Publikationen von Yasemin Bozkurt Varolgunes

Zeitschriftenartikel (1)

Bozkurt Varolgunes, Y.; Bereau, T.; Rudzinski, J. F.: Interpretable embeddings from molecular simulations using Gaussian mixture variational autoencoders. Machine Learning: Science and Technology 1 (1), 015012 (2020)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Bozkurt Varolgunes, Y.; Bereau, T.; Rudzinski, J. F.: Automated Identification of Collective Variables and Metastable States from Molecular Dynamics Data. In Biophysical Journal, 120, 382-Pos, S. 79A - 79A. 65th Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, Virtual, Online, 22. Februar 2021 - 26. Februar 2021. Cell Press, Cambridge, Mass. (2021)