Publikationen von Siyuan Xiang
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Zeitschriftenartikel (3)
144 (27), S. 12219 - 12228 (2022)
In Situ Assembly of Platinum(II)-Metallopeptide Nanostructures Disrupts Energy Homeostasis and Cellular Metabolism. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2.
11 (2), 2101854 (2022)
Reversing Aβ Fibrillation and Inhibiting Aβ Primary Neuronal Cell Toxicity using Amphiphilic Polyphenylene Dendrons. Advanced Healthcare Materials 3.
14 (7), S. 9166 - 9175 (2020)
Underwater Superoleophobic Surface Based on Silica Hierarchical Cylinder Arrays with a Low Aspect Ratio. ACS Nano Review Article (2)
Review Article
124, 101489 (2022)
Engineering Surface Amphiphilicity of Polymer Nanostructures. Progress in Polymer Science 5.
Review Article
8 (12), 2100247 (2021)
Self-Healing Superhydrophobic Surfaces: Healing Principles and Applications. Advanced Materials Interfaces