Publikationen von Katrin Amann-Winkel

Zeitschriftenartikel (63)

Zhou, X.; Wang, Y.; Li, X.; Sudersan, P.; Amann-Winkel, K.; Koynov, K.; Nagata, Y.; Berger, R.; Butt, H.-J.: Thickness of Nanoscale Poly(Dimethylsiloxane) Layers Determines the Motion of Sliding Water Drops. Advanced Materials 36 (29), 2311470 (2024)
Yang, C.; Ladd-Parada, M.; Nam, K.; Jeong, S.; You, S.; Eklund, T.; Späh, A.; Pathak, H.; Lee, J. H.; Eom, I. et al.; Kim, M.; Perakis, F.; Nilsson, A.; Kim, K. H.; Amann-Winkel, K.: Unveiling a common phase transition pathway of high-density amorphous ices through time-resolved x-ray scattering. The Journal of Chemical Physics 160 (24), 244503 (2024)
Li, H.; Ladd-Parada, M.; Karina, A.; Dallari, F.; Reiser, M.; Perakis, F.; Striker, N. N.; Sprung, M.; Westermeier, F.; Grübel, G. et al.; Steffen, W.; Lehmkühler, F.; Amann-Winkel, K.: Intrinsic Dynamics of Amorphous Ice Revealed by a Heterodyne Signal in X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy Experiments. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14 (49), S. 10999 - 11007 (2023)
Filianina, M.; Bin, M.; Berkowicz, S.; Reiser, M.; Li, H.; Timmermann, S.; Blankenburg, M.; Amann-Winkel, K.; Gutt, C.; Perakis, F.: Nanocrystallites Modulate Intermolecular Interactions in Cryoprotected Protein Solutions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 127 (27), S. 6197 - 6204 (2023)
Yang, C.; Ladd-Parada, M.; Nam, K.; Jeong, S.; You, S.; Späh, A.; Pathak, H.; Eklund, T.; Lane, T. J.; Lee, J. H. et al.; Eom, I.; Kim, M.; Amann-Winkel, K.; Perakis, F.; Nilsson, A.; Kim, K. H.: Melting domain size and recrystallization dynamics of ice revealed by time-resolved x-ray scattering. Nature Communications 14, 3313 (2023)
Bin, M.; Reiser, M.; Filianina, M.; Berkowicz, S.; Das, S.; Timmermann, S.; Roseker, W.; Bauer, R.; Öström, J.; Karina, A. et al.; Amann-Winkel, K.; Ladd-Parada, M.; Westermeier, F.; Sprung, M.; Möller, J.; Lehmkühler, F.; Gutt, C.; Perakis, F.: Coherent X-ray Scattering Reveals Nanoscale Fluctuations in Hydrated Proteins. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 127 (21), S. 4922 - 4930 (2023)
Amann-Winkel, K.; Kim, K. H.; Giovambattista, N.; Ladd-Parada, M.; Späh, A.; Perakis, F.; Pathak, H.; Yang, C.; Eklund, T.; Lane, T. J. et al.; You, S.; Jeong, S.; Lee, J. H.; Eom, I.; Kim, M.; Park, J.; Chun, S. H.; Poole, P. H.; Nilsson, A.: Liquid-liquid phase separation in supercooled water from ultrafast heating of low-density amorphous ice. Nature Communications 14, 442 (2023)
Carvalho, P. H. B. B.; Ivanov, M.; Andersson, O.; Loerting, T.; Bauer, M.; Tulk, C. A.; Haberl, B.; Daemen, L. L.; Molaison, J. J.; Amann-Winkel, K. et al.; Lyubartsev, A. P.; Bull, C. L.; Funnell, N. P.; Häussermann, U.: Neutron scattering study of polyamorphic THF·17(H2O) – toward a generalized picture of amorphous states and structures derived from clathrate hydrates. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25, S. 14981 - 14991 (2023)
Yalcinkaya, Y.; Hermes, I. M.; Seewald, T.; Amann-Winkel, K.; Veith, L.; Schmidt‐Mende, L.; Weber, S. A. L.: Chemical Strain Engineering of MAPbI3 Perovskite Films. Advanced Energy Materials 12 (37), 2202442 (2022)
Ladd-Parada, M.; Li, H.; Karina, A.; Kim, K. H.; Perakis, F.; Reiser, M.; Dallari, F.; Striker, N.; Sprung, M.; Westermeier, F. et al.; Grübel, G.; Nilsson, A.; Lehmkühler, F.; Amann-Winkel, K.: Using coherent X-rays to follow dynamics in amorphous ices. Environmental science: Atmospheres 2 (6), S. 1314 - 1323 (2022)
Karina, A.; Eklund, T.; Tonauer, C. M.; Li, H.; Loerting, T.; Amann-Winkel, K.: Infrared Spectroscopy on Equilibrated High-Density Amorphous Ice. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 13 (34), S. 7965 - 7971 (2022)
Ladd-Parada, M.; Amann-Winkel, K.; Kim, K. H.; Späh, A.; Perakis, F.; Pathak, H.; Yang, C.; Mariedahl, D.; Eklund, T.; Lane, T. J. et al.; You, S.; Jeong, S.; Weston, M.; Lee, J. H.; Eom, I.; Kim, M.; Park, J.; Chun, S. H.; Nilsson, A.: Following the Crystallization of Amorphous Ice after Ultrafast Laser Heating. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 126 (11), S. 2299 - 2307 (2022)
Bachler, J.; Giebelmann, J.; Amann-Winkel, K.; Loerting, T.: Pressure-annealed high-density amorphous ice made from vitrified water droplets: A systematic calorimetry study on water's second glass transition. The Journal of Chemical Physics 157 (5), 064502 (2022)
Jangizehi, A.; Ahmadi, M.; Pschierer, S.; Nicolella, P.; Li, H.; Amann-Winkel, K.; Seiffert, S.: Metal-ligand complexation and clustering in mussel-inspired side-chain functionalized supramolecular hydrogels. Soft Matter 18 (36), S. 6836 - 6847 (2022)
Li, H.; Karina, A.; Ladd-Parada, M.; Späh, A.; Perakis, F.; Benmore, C.; Amann-Winkel, K.: Long-Range Structures of Amorphous Solid Water. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 125 (48), S. 13320 - 13328 (2021)
Esmaeildoost, N.; Pathak, H.; Späh, A.; Lane, T. J.; Kim, K. H.; Yang, C.; Amann-Winkel, K.; Ladd-Parada, M.; Perakis, F.; Koliyadu, J. et al.; Oggenfuss, A. R.; Johnson, P. J. M.; Deng, Y.; Zerdane, S.; Mankowsky, R.; Beaud, P.; Lemke, H. T.; Nilsson, A.; Sellberg, J. A.: Anomalous temperature dependence of the experimental x-ray structure factor of supercooled water. The Journal of Chemical Physics 155 (21), 214501 (2021)
Pathak, H.; Späh, A.; Esmaeildoost, N.; Sellberg, J. A.; Kim, K. H.; Perakis, F.; Amann-Winkel, K.; Ladd-Parada, M.; Koliyadu, J.; Lane, T. J. et al.; Yang, C.; Lemke, H. T.; Oggenfuss, A. R.; Johnson, P. J. M.; Deng, Y.; Zerdane, S.; Mankowsky, R.; Beaud, P.; Nilsson, A.: Enhancement and maximum in the isobaric specific-heat capacity measurements of deeply supercooled water using ultrafast calorimetry. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118 (6), e2018379118 (2021)
Xu, H.; Ångström, J.; Eklund, T.; Amann-Winkel, K.: Electron Beam-Induced Transformation in High-Density Amorphous Ices. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 124 (41), S. 9283 - 9288 (2020)
Kim, K. H.; Späh, A.; Pathak, H.; Yang, C.; Bonetti, S.; Amann-Winkel, K.; Mariedahl, D.; Schlesinger, D.; Sellberg, J. A.; Mendez, D. et al.; van der Schot, G.; Hwang, H. Y.; Clark, J.; Shigeki, O.; Tadashi, T.; Harada, Y.; Ogasawara, H.; Katayama, T.; Nilsson, A.; Perakis, F.: Anisotropic X-Ray Scattering of Transiently Oriented Water. Physical Review Letters 125 (7), 076002 (2020)
Kim, K. H.; Amann-Winkel, K.; Giovambattista, N.; Späh, A.; Perakis, F.; Pathak, H.; Parada, M. L.; Yang, C.; Mariedahl, D.; Eklund, T. et al.; Lane, T. J.; You, S.; Jeong, S.; Weston, M.; Lee, J. H.; Eom, I.; Kim, M.; Park, J.; Chun, S. H.; Poole, P. H.; Nilsson, A.: Experimental observation of the liquid-liquid transition in bulk supercooled water under pressure. Science 370 (6519), S. 978 - 982 (2020)
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