Publikationen von Nina Hoinkis

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Strunge, K.; Hoinkis, N.; Lutz, H.; Alamdari, S.; Roeters, S. J.; Lu, H.; Pfaendtner, J.; Weidner, T.: Peptide Mimic of the Marine Sponge Protein Silicatein Fabricates Ultrathin Nanosheets of Silicon Dioxide and Titanium Dioxide. Langmuir 38 (26), S. 8087 - 8093 (2022)
Hoinkis, N.; Lutz, H.; Lu, H.; Golbek, T. W.; Bregnhoj, M.; Jakob, G.; Bonn, M.; Weidner, T.: Assembly of iron oxide nanosheets at the air-water interface by leucine-histidine peptides. RSC Advances 11 (45), S. 27965 - 27968 (2021)