Publikationen von Konrad Maxeiner

Zeitschriftenartikel (5)

Fuchs, A.; Czysch, C.; Maxeiner, K.; Winterwerber, P.; Schmitt, S.; Stickdorn, J.; Zhong, Z.; Medina‐Montano, C.; Räder, H. J.; Bros, M. et al.; De Geest, B. G.; Koynov, K.; Grabbe, S.; Nuhn, L.: Introducing Degradable Cationic Nanogels Carrying TLR9 Stimulating Oligonucleotides. Small, 2406082 (2024)
Ren, Y.; Zhou, Z.; Maxeiner, K.; Kaltbeitzel, A.; Harley, I.; Xing, J.; Wu, Y.; Wagner, M.; Landfester, K.; Lieberwirth, I. et al.; Weil, T.; Ng, D. Y. W.: Supramolecular Assembly in Live Cells Mapped by Real-Time Phasor-Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging. Journal of the American Chemical Society 146 (17), S. 11991 - 11999 (2024)
Rijns, L.; Su, L.; Maxeiner, K.; Morgese, G.; Ng, D. Y. W.; Weil, T.; Dankers, P. Y. W.: Introducing carbohydrate patterning in mannose-decorated supramolecular assemblies and hydrogels. Chemical Communications 59 (15), S. 2090 - 2093 (2023)
Zhou, Z.; Maxeiner, K.; Moscariello, P.; Xiang, S.; Wu, Y.; Ren, Y.; Whitfield, C.; Xu, L.; Kaltbeitzel, A.; Han, S. et al.; Mücke, D.; Qi, H.; Wagner, M.; Kaiser, U.; Landfester, K.; Lieberwirth, I.; Ng, D. Y. W.; Weil, T.: In Situ Assembly of Platinum(II)-Metallopeptide Nanostructures Disrupts Energy Homeostasis and Cellular Metabolism. Journal of the American Chemical Society 144 (27), S. 12219 - 12228 (2022)
Czysch, C.; Medina-Montano, C.; Dal, N.-J. K.; Dinh, T. T. D.; Fröder, Y.; Winterwerber, P.; Maxeiner, K.; Räder, H. J.; Schuppan, D.; Schild, H. et al.; Bros, M.; Biersack, B.; Feranoli, F.; Grabbe, S.; Nuhn, L.: End Group Dye-labeled Polycarbonate Block Copolymers for Micellar (immuno-)Drug Delivery. Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2200095 (2022)

Review Article (1)

Review Article
Zhou, Z.; Maxeiner, K.; Ng, D. Y. W.; Weil, T.: Polymer Chemistry in Living Cells. Accounts of Chemical Research 55 (20), S. 2998 - 3009 (2022)
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