Publikationen von Jan Steinkühler

Zeitschriftenartikel (4)

Steinkühler, J.; Knorr, R. L.; Zhao, Z.; Bhatia, T.; Bartelt, S. M.; Wegner, S.; Dimova, R.; Lipowsky, R.: Controlled division of cell-sized vesicles by low densities of membrane-bound proteins. Nature Communications 11 (1), 905 (2020)
Chakraborty, T.; Bartelt, S. M.; Steinkühler, J.; Dimova, R.; Wegner, S. V.: Light controlled cell-to-cell adhesion and chemical communication in minimal synthetic cells. Chemical Communications 55 (64), S. 9448 - 9451 (2019)
Bartelt, S. M.; Chervyachkova, E.; Steinkühler, J.; Ricken, J.; Wieneke, R.; Tampe, R.; Dimova, R.; Wegner, S. V.: Dynamic blue light-switchable protein patterns on giant unilamellar vesicles. Chemical Communications 54 (8), S. 948 - 951 (2018)
Bartelt, S. M.; Steinkühler, J.; Dimova, R.; Wegner, S.: Light-Guided Motility of a Minimal Synthetic Cell. Nano Letters 18 (11), S. 7268 - 7274 (2018)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Steinkühler, J.; Bartelt, S. M.; Wegner, S.; Knorr, R. L.; Dimova, R.; Lipowsky, R.: Budding and Fission of Vesicles by Control of Membrane Spontaneous Curvature. In Biophysical Journal, 116 (3), 1619-Plat, S. 328A - 329A. 63rd Annual Meeting of the Biophysical-Society, Baltimore, MD, 02. März 2019 - 06. März 2019. Cell Press, Cambridge, Mass. (2019)