Publikationen von Leon Prädel

Zeitschriftenartikel (14)

Nickel, C.; Troglauer, D. L.; Dallos, Z.; Abid, D.; Sowa, K.; Cichocka, M. O.; Kolb, U.; Mashtakov, B.; Mohazzab, B. F.; Han, S. et al.; Prädel, L.; Ci, L.; Li, D.; Lin, X.; Hua, M.; Liu, R.; Gao, D.: Self-optimizing Cobalt Tungsten Oxide Electrocatalysts toward Enhanced Oxygen Evolution in Alkaline Media. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English, e202424074 (2025)
Nickel, C.; Troglauer, D. L.; Dallos, Z.; Abid, D.; Sowa, K.; Cichocka, M. O.; Kolb, U.; Mashtakov, B.; Mohazzab, B. F.; Han, S. et al.; Prädel, L.; Ci, L.; Li, D.; Lin, X.; Hua, M.; Liu, R.; Gao, D.: Selbstoptimierende Kobalt Wolframoxid Elektrokatalysatoren zur verbesserten Sauerstoffentwicklung in alkalischen Medien. Angewandte Chemie (2025)
Rios-Studer, T.; Chen, Z.; Nickel, C.; Feng, F.; Sowa, K.; Oseghe, E. O.; Akbari, S. S.; Rahali, S.; Prädel, L. A.; Lieberwirth, I. et al.; Zhang, G.; Gao, D.; Liu, R.; Streb, C.: Ruthenium-Doped Copper Nanowires for Nitrite/Nitrate to Ammonia Conversion and Their Integration in Zinc-Nitrite Batteries. ChemCatChem, e202401690 (2024)
Muduli, S.; Boecker, M.; Prädel, L.; Neumann, C.; Du, Q.; Buchmeiser, M. R.: Li-Ion Storage and Diffusivity in Sulfurized Polybutadiene Containing Covalently Bound Sulfur as a Polysulfide Shuttle-Free Cathode Material for Li−S Batteries. Batteries & Supercaps 7 (12), e202400495 (2024)
Giubertoni, G.; Chagri, S.; Argudo, P. G.; Prädel, L.; Maltseva, D.; Greco, A.; Caporaletti, F.; Pavan, A.; Ilie, I. M.; Ren, Y. et al.; Ng, D. Y. W.; Bonn, M.; Weil, T.; Woutersen, S.: Structural adaptability and surface activity of peptides derived from tardigrade proteins. Protein Science 33 (9), e5135 (2024)
Bednarz, B.; Syskaki, M.-A.; Pachat, R.; Prädel, L.; Wortmann, M.; Kuschel, T.; Ono, S.; Kläui, M.; Diez, L. H.; Jakob, G.: Stabilizing perpendicular magnetic anisotropy with strong exchange bias in PtMn/Co by magneto-ionics. Applied Physics Letters 124 (23), 232403 (2024)
Dören, R.; Panthöfer, M.; Prädel, L.; Tremel, W.; Mondeshki, M.: Lithium confinement and dynamics in hexagonal and monoclinic tungsten oxide nanocrystals: a 7Li solid state NMR study. Nanoscale 14 (41), S. 15348 - 15363 (2022)
Hunger, J.; Schäfer, J.; Ober, P.; Seki, T.; Wang, Y.; Prädel, L.; Nagata, Y.; Bonn, M.; Bonthuis, D. J.; Backus, E. H. G.: Nature of Cations Critically Affects Water at the Negatively Charged Silica Interface. Journal of the American Chemical Society 144 (43), S. 19726 - 19738 (2022)
Quak, D.-H.; Sarif, M.; Opitz, P.; Lange, M.; Jegel, O.; Pham, D. H.; Koziol, M.; Prädel, L.; Mondeshki, M.; Tahir, M. N. et al.; Tremel, W.: Generalized synthesis of NaCrO2particles for high-rate sodium ion batteries prepared by microfluidic synthesis in segmented flow. Dalton Transactions 51 (27), S. 10466 - 10474 (2022)
Lange, M. A.; Khan, I.; Doeren, R.; Ashraf, M.; Qurashi, A.; Prädel, L.; Panthoefer, M.; von der Au, M.; Cossmer, A.; Pfeifer, J. et al.; Meermann, B.; Mondeshki, M.; Tahir, M. N.; Tremel, W.: High-speed solid state fluorination of Nb2O5 yields NbO2F and Nb3O7F with photocatalytic activity for oxygen evolution from water dagger. Dalton Transactions 50 (19), S. 6528 - 6538 (2021)
Lange, M. A.; Khan, I.; Opitz, P.; Hartmann, J.; Ashraf, M.; Qurashi, A.; Prädel, L.; Panthöfer, M.; Cossmer, A.; Pfeifer, J. et al.; Simon, F.; Von der Au, M.; Meermann, B.; Mondeshki, M.; Tahir, M. N.; Tremel, Wolfgang, W.: A Generalized Method for High-Speed Fluorination of Metal Oxides by Spark Plasma Sintering Yields Ta3O7F and TaO2F with High Photocatalytic Activity for Oxygen Evolution from Water. Advanced Materials 33 (20), 2007434 (2021)
Doren, R.; Leibauer, B.; Lange, M. A.; Schechtel, E.; Prädel, L.; Panthofer, M.; Mondeshki, M.; Tremel, W.: Gram-scale selective synthesis of WO3-x nanorods and (NH4)xWO3 ammonium tungsten bronzes with tunable plasmonic properties. Nanoscale 13 (17), S. 8146 - 8162 (2021)
Dreier, C.; Prädel, L.; Ehrhard, A.; Wagner, M.; Hunger, J.: Association Equilibria of Organo-Phosphoric Acids with Imines from a Combined Dielectric and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Approach. Analytical Chemistry 93 (8), S. 3914 - 3921 (2021)
Malm, C.; Prädel, L. A.; Marekha, B. A.; Grechko, M.; Hunger, J.: Composition-Dependent Hydrogen-Bonding Motifs and Dynamics in Bronsted Acid-Base Mixtures. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 124 (33), S. 7229 - 7238 (2020)
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