Publikationen von D. Marsitzky

Zeitschriftenartikel (11)

Surin, M.; Hennebicq, E.; Ego, C.; Marsitzky, D.; Grimsdale, A. C.; Müllen, K.; Bredas, J. L.; Lazzaroni, R.; Leclere, P.: Correlation between the microscopic morphology and the solid-state photoluminescence properties in fluorene-based polymers and copolymers. Chemistry of Materials 16 (6), S. 994 - 1001 (2004)
Surin, M.; Marsitzky, D.; Grimsdale, A. C.; Müllen, K.; Lazzaroni, R.; Leclere, P.: Microscopic morphology of polyfluorene-poly(ethylene oxide) block copolymers: Influence of the block ratio. Advanced Functional Materials 14 (7), S. 708 - 715 (2004)
Ego, C.; Marsitzky, D.; Becker, S.; Zhang, J. Y.; Grimsdale, A. C.; Müllen, K.; MacKenzie, J. D.; Silva, C.; Friend, R. H.: Attaching perylene dyes to polyfluorene: Three simple, efficient methods for facile color tuning of light-emitting polymers. Journal of the American Chemical Society 125 (2), S. 437 - 443 (2003)
Becker, S.; Ego, C.; Grimsdale, A. C.; List, E. J. W.; Marsitzky, D.; Pogantsch, A.; Setayesh, S.; Leising, G.; Müllen, K.: Optimisation of polyfluorenes for light emitting applications. Synthetic Metals 125 (1), S. 73 - 80 (2001)
Leclere, P.; Calderone, A.; Marsitzky, D.; Francke, V.; Müllen, K.; Bredas, J. L.; Lazzaroni, R.: Organization of Conjugated Polymer Materials via Block Copolymer Self-Assembly. Synthetic Metals 121, S. 1295 - 1296 (2001)
Marsitzky, D.; Scott, J. C.; Chen, J. P.; Lee, V. Y.; Miller, R. D.; Setayesh, S.; Müllen, K.: Poly-2,8-(indenofluorene-co-anthracene) - A Colorfast Blue-Light-Emitting Random Copolymer. Advanced Materials 13, S. 1096 - 1099 (2001)
Leclere, P.; Calderone, A.; Marsitzky, D.; Francke, V.; Geerts, Y.; Müllen, K.; Bredas, J. L.; Lazzaroni, R.: Highly Regular Organization of Conjugated Polymer Chains via Block Copolymer Self-Assembly. Advanced Materials 12, S. 1042 - 1046 (2000)
Setayesh, S.; Marsitzky, D.; Müllen, K.: Bridging the Gap between Polyfluorene and Ladder-Poly-p-pheylene: Synthesis and Characterization of Poly-2,8-indenofluorene. Macromolecules 33, S. 2016 - 2020 (2000)
Setayesh, S.; Marsitzky, D.; Scherf, U.; Müllen, K.: Step-Ladder and Ladder-Type Poly(para-phenylene)s - Approaches towards Efficient Blue-Light Emitting Polymers. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences: Série IV 1, S. 471 - 478 (2000)
Marsitzky, D.; Klapper, M.; Müllen, K.: End-Functionalization of Poly-(2,7-Fluorene): A Key Step Towards Novel Luminescent Rod-Coil Block Copolymers. Macromolecules 32, S. 8685 - 8688 (1999)
Marsitzky, D.; Brand, T.; Geerts, Y.; Klapper, M.; Müllen, K.: Synthesis of Rod-Coil Block Copolymers via End-Functionalized Poly(para-phenylene)s. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 19, S. 385 - 389 (1998)

Buchkapitel (1)

Marsitzky, D.; Müllen, K.: 20 Years of "Synthetic Metals" - The Role of Synthesis. In: Advances in Synthetic Metals - Twenty Years of Progress in Science and Technology, S. 1 - 97 (Hg. Bernier, P.; Lefrant, S.; Bidan, G.). Elsevier Science, Amsterdam (1999)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Marsitzky, D.: Funktionalisierung von konjugierten Polymeren auf der Basis von PPP: Synthese und Charakterisierung von konjugierten Block- und statistischen Copolymeren zur Anwendung in lichtemittierenden Dioden. Dissertation, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (1999)
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