Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen

Zeitschriftenartikel (5903)

Xu, Q.; Szymoniak, P.; Kolmangadi, M. A.; Yang, Z.; Wang, S.; Gao, Y.; Shang, J.; Hunger, J.; Aldiyarov, A.; Schönhals, A. et al.; Ge, Y.; Qi, Z.: Molecular engineering of supramolecular polymer adhesive with confined water and a single crown ether. Chemical Science (2025)
Schauenburg, D.; Weil, T.: Not So Bioorthogonal Chemistry. Journal of the American Chemical Society 147, S. 8049 - 8062 (2025)
Dolles, S.; Leukel, S.; Gensberger-Reigl, S.; Rohrhofer, A.; Rauch-Wirth, L.; Kaygisiz, K.; Synatschke, C. V.; Münch, J.; Schmidt, B.; Pischetsrieder, M. et al.; Eichler, J.: Versatile Features of an Antibody Mimetic Peptide and Its Variants. Journal of Peptide Science 31 (3), e70005 (2025)
Kardasis, P.; Tzourtzouklis, I.; Dong, Y.; Meier-Merziger, M.; Butt, H.-J.; Frey, H.; Floudas, G.: Imbibition and Adsorption of a Bottlebrush Polymer in Nanopores. Macromolecules 58 (4), S. 1950 - 1963 (2025)
Sevilla, M.; Baptista, L. A.; Kremer, K.; Cortes Huerto, R.: Density fluctuations, solvation thermodynamics, and coexistence curves in grand canonical molecular dynamics simulations. The Journal of Chemical Physics 162 (8), 080901 (2025)
Chen, X.; Riedel, S.; Dinda, S.; Wang, T.; He, F.; Tu, X.; Peng, J.; Räder, H. J.; Schmidt, B.; Witter, R. et al.; Li, Z.; Fichtner, M.; Zhao-Karger, Z.; Gao, P.: Sulfurized anthracene as a new cathode material for highly reversible magnesium storage. Chemical Engineering Journal 507, 160145 (2025)
Sobarzo, J. C.; Pertl, F.; Balazs, D. M.; Costanzo, T.; Sauer, M.; Foelske, A.; Ostermann, M.; Pichler, C. M.; Wang, Y.; Nagata, Y. et al.; Bonn, M.; Waitukaitis, S.: Spontaneous ordering of identical materials into a triboelectric series. Nature 638 (8051), S. 664 - 669 (2025)
Wang, Y.; Li, H.; Wang, L.; Gao, T.; Zhang, H.; Müllen, K.; Xie, M.; Goddard, W. A.; Chi, L.: Direct Synthesis of Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene on Au(111) Surfaces: Insights into Intramolecular Dehydrocyclization and Molecular Modification Strategies. ACS Catalysis, S. 3777 - 3788 (2025)
Ziegler, K.; Boecker, M.; Ball, V.; Kissmann, A.-K.; Moser, J.; Sanchez, C.; Boissière, C.; Ersen, O.; Ihiawakrim, D.; Marchesi D'Alvise, T. et al.; Rosenau, F.; Weil, T.; Synatschke, C. V.: Multifunctional Thick Films Obtained by Electrodeposition of 1,8-Dihydroxynaphtalene, an Allomelanin Precursor. Langmuir 41 (6), S. 3971 - 3985 (2025)
Seth, S.; Louis, B.; Asano, K.; Van Roy, T.; Roeffaers, M. B. J.; Debroye, E.; Scheblykin, I. G.; Vacha, M.; Hofkens, J.: Unveiling the Local Fate of Charge Carriers in Halide Perovskite Thin Films via Correlation Clustering Imaging. Chemical & Biomedical Imaging (2025)
Xuan, P.; Gong, J.; Fu, T.; Zhou, Y.; Qin, J.; Chen, H.; Wang, T.; Xue, G.; Peng, X.; Qian, Y. et al.; Osella, S.; Zbořil, R.; Hofkens, J.; Müllen, K.; Lai, F.; Liu, T.: Helical Soft Robots with Magnetic and Photocatalytic Components for Water Remediation. Small, 2412516 (2025)
Khoeini, M. H.; Vukovic, T.; van der Net, A.; Luna-Triguero, A.; Rücker, M.: A novel application of inverse gas chromatography for estimating contact angles in porous media. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 680, S. 98 - 106 (2025)
Bixenmann, L.; Nuhn, L.: Hemiacetal Ester Side Chains as a Mild Protecting Group for Carboxylic Acids in Polycarbonate Backbones. Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2500082 (2025)
Li, T.; Cheng, D.; Liu, L.; Guan, Y.; Liao, J.; Lu, D.; Li, Y.: Facile control of PFO β conformation in blended polymers. Polymer 319, 128057 (2025)
Scott, S.; Villiou, M.; Colombo, F.; la Cruz-García, A. D.; Tydecks, L.; Toelke, L.; Siemsen, K.; Selhuber-Unkel, C.: Dynamic and Reversible Tuning of Hydrogel Viscoelasticity by Transient Polymer Interactions for Controlling Cell Adhesion. Advanced Materials, 2408616 (2025)
Xiang, F.; Kinikar, A.; Mühlinghaus, M.; Bassi, N.; Pignedoli, C. A.; Müllen, K.; Fasel, R.; Ruffieux, P.: Enhancing Chemoselectivity of On-Surface Reactions on Reconstructed Au(110): The Case of a Pentalene-Bridged Polyacene Analogue. Journal of the American Chemical Society 147 (6), S. 4930 - 4936 (2025)
Wen, G.; Chen, X.; Eiring, P.; Leen, V.; Hofkens, J.; Sauer, M.: Functionalized Docetaxel Probes for Refined Visualization of Mitotic Spindles by Expansion Microscopy. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2025)
Liu, T.; Chen, Y.; Wang, X.; Di, Y.; Müllen, K.; Zhang, Z.; Wang, F.: Rare‐Earth Oxychlorides as Promoters of Ruthenium Toward High‐Performance Hydrogen Evolution Electrocatalysts for Alkaline Electrolyzers. Advanced Materials, 2417621 (2025)
Spyridakou, M.; Tzourtzouklis, I.; Graf, R.; Beauseroy, H.; Bonduelle, C.; Lecommandoux, S.; Floudas, G.: Multiple Levels of Organization in Amphiphilic Diblock Copolymers Based on Poly(γ-benzyl-l-glutamate) Produced by Aqueous ROPISA. Biomacromolecules (2025)
de Bruijn, R.; Darhuber, A. A.; Michels, J. J.; van der Schoot, P.: Periodic Phase‐Separation During Meniscus‐Guided Deposition. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2400556 (2025)
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