Publikationen von Tobias Eklund

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Liang, J.; Ju, C.; Liu, Z.; Li, H.; Karina, A.; Eklund, T.; Zheng, W.; Amann-Winkel, K.; Cai, W.; Wagner, M. et al.; Qiu, Z.; Weil, T.; Müllen, K.: Fluorescence of Helical Molecular Springs Under High Pressure. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, e202500923 (2025)
Yang, C.; Ladd-Parada, M.; Nam, K.; Jeong, S.; You, S.; Eklund, T.; Späh, A.; Pathak, H.; Lee, J. H.; Eom, I. et al.; Kim, M.; Perakis, F.; Nilsson, A.; Kim, K. H.; Amann-Winkel, K.: Unveiling a common phase transition pathway of high-density amorphous ices through time-resolved x-ray scattering. The Journal of Chemical Physics 160 (24), 244503 (2024)
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