Publikationen von X. Li
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Zeitschriftenartikel (9)
4 (3), S. 515 - 521 (2008)
One step route to the fabrication of arrays of TiO2 nanobowls via a complementary block copolymer templating and sol-gel process. Soft Matter 2.
28 (6), S. 1015 - 1020 (2007)
Au/titania composite nanoparticle arrays with controlled size and spacing by organic-inorganic nanohybridization in thin film block copolymer templates. Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 3.
48 (8), S. 2434 - 2443 (2007)
Morphology change of asymmetric diblock copolymer micellar films during solvent annealing. Polymer 4.
23 (13), S. 6883 - 6888 (2007)
Fabrication of metallized nanoporous films from the self-assembly of a block copolymer and homopolymer mixture. Langmuir 5.
28 (21), S. 2055 - 2061 (2007)
Fabrication and photocatalytic activities of morphology-controlled titania nanoobject arrays by block copolymer templates. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 6.
6 (12), S. 3871 - 3876 (2006)
Hybrid organic-inorganic nanostructures fabricated from layer-by-layer self-assembled multilayers of hyperbranched polyglycerols and phosphorus dendrimers. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 7.
26 (14), S. 1173 - 1178 (2005)
Fabrication of Au/titania composite nanodot arrays from Au-loaded block copolymer micellar films. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 8.
21 (11), S. 5212 - 5217 (2005)
High-density arrays of titania nanoparticles using monolayer micellar films of diblock copolymers as templates. Langmuir 9.
21 (21), S. 9393 - 9397 (2005)
One-step route to the fabrication of highly porous polyaniline nanofiber films by using PS-b-PVP diblock copolymers as templates. Langmuir