Publikationen von Manfred Wagner
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Zeitschriftenartikel (202)
45 (24), 2400533 (2024)
Sulfonated Covalent Organic Frameworks Anchoring Cobalt as High-Efficient and Stable Catalysts for Peroxymonosulfate Activation. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2.
63 (51), e202412477 (2024)
Chaperone-Derived Copper(I)-Binding Peptide Nanofibers Disrupt Copper Homeostasis in Cancer Cells. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 3.
136 (51), e202412477 (2024)
Chaperon-Abgeleitete Kupfer(I)-Bindende Peptidnanofibrillen stören die Kupferhomöostase in Krebszellen. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 4.
12 (26), S. 9922 - 9933 (2024)
One-step Synthesis of Fully Biobased Two-Sided Tapered ABA-type Thermoplastic Elastomers. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 5.
146 (17), S. 11991 - 11999 (2024)
Supramolecular Assembly in Live Cells Mapped by Real-Time Phasor-Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging. Journal of the American Chemical Society 6.
143, 110913 (2024)
High pressure induced formation of carbon nanorods from tetracosane. Diamond and Related Materials 7.
96 (5), S. 1932 - 1940 (2024)
Spatiotemporally Controlled Photolabeling of Genetically Unmodified Proteins in Live Cells. Analytical Chemistry 8.
3 (1), e103 (2024)
Chemically robust superhydrophobic surfaces with a self‐replenishing nanoscale liquid coating. Droplet 9.
46 (11), 117 (2023)
Chilling alcohol on the computer: isothermal compressibility and the formation of hydrogen-bond clusters in liquid propan-1-ol. European Physical Journal E 10.
1292, 136122 (2023)
Discovery of a phosphonium ionic liquid phase from the reaction of trialkylphosphines and epichlorohydrin carbonate and application as a CO2-based triphasic demulsifier of crude oil. Journal of Molecular Structure 11.
14 (46), S. 5140 - 5146 (2023)
A fast and efficient way of obtaining the average molecular weight of block copolymers via DOSY. Polymer Chemistry 12.
2, 1646, S. 980 - 988 (2023)
Supramolecular assembly guided by photolytic redox cycling. Nature Synthesis 13.
62 (34), e202307750 (2023)
Twisted Diindeno‐Fused Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene Derivatives and their Dianions. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 14.
224 (16), 2300097 (2023)
Revealing the Monomer Gradient of Polyether Copolymers Prepared Using N-Heterocyclic Olefins: Metal-Free Anionic versus Zwitterionic Lewis Pair Polymerization. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 15.
21 (14), d3py00064h, S. 2599 - 2609 (2023)
Tailoring thermoresponsiveness of biocompatible polyethers: copolymers of linear glycerol and ethyl glycidyl ether. Polymer Chemistry 16.
49, 100491 (2023)
Novel food drug interaction mechanism involving acyclovir, chitosan and endogenous mucus. Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics 17.
62 (11), e202216966 (2023)
Confining the Sol‐Gel Reaction at the Water/Oil Interface: Creating Compartmentalized Enzymatic Nano‐Organelles for Artificial Cells. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 18.
56 (2), S. 664 - 677 (2023)
Anionic Polymerization of the Terpene-Based Diene beta-Ocimene: Complex Mechanism Due to Stereoisomer Reactivities. Macromolecules 19.
145 (49), S. 26688 - 26698 (2023)
Nopadiene: A Pinene-Derived Cyclic Diene as a Styrene Substitute for Fully Biobased Thermoplastic Elastomers. Journal of the American Chemical Society 20.
80 (6), 151 (2023)
The C-terminal 32-mer fragment of hemoglobin alpha is an amyloidogenic peptide with antimicrobial properties. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences