Publikationen von Mariana D. Sosa

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Mar Cammarata, M. d.; Rey, L.; Torres, V.; Kindsvater, R.; Cánneva, A.; Sosa, M. D.; Fascio, M.; D′Accorso, N. B.; Contin, M. D.; Negri, R. M.: Water-Polymer Slide Electrification in Polyethylene Films Coated with Amphiphilic Compounds and Its Connection to Surface Properties Dependent on Water-Polymer Interactions. Langmuir 40 (41), S. 21741 - 21757 (2024)
Leibauer, B.; Pop-Georgievski, O.; Sosa, M. D.; Dong, Y.; Tremel, W.; Butt, H.-J.; Steffen, W.: How Surface and Substrate Chemistry Affect Slide Electrification. Journal of the American Chemical Society 146 (14), S. 10073 - 10083 (2024)
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