Publikationen von Kaloian Koynov

Zeitschriftenartikel (252)

Jung, C.; Fichter, M.; Oberländer, J.; Schunke, J.; Bolduan, V.; Schneider, P.; Kang, J.; Koynov, K.; Mailänder, V.; Landfester, K.: Nanobodies Outperform Antibodies - Rapid Functionalization with Equal In Vivo Targeting Properties. Advanced Materials 36 (52), 2412563 (2024)
Bremm Madalosso, H.; Cao, S.; Ivanov, T.; De Souza Melchiors, M.; Koynov, K.; Guindani, C.; Hermes de Araújo, P. H.; Sayer, C.; Landfester, K.; Caire da Silva, L.: Peptide‐Induced Division of Polymersomes for Biomimetic Compartmentalization. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 63 (52), e202413089 (2024)
Belluati, A.; Bloch, A.; Koynov, K.; Müller Nieva, M.; Bagherabadi, M.; Andrieu‐Brunsen, A.; Kolmar, H.; Bruns, N.: Characterization and Optimization of Vesicle Properties in bioPISA: from Size Distribution to Post‐Assembly Loading. Advanced Biology, 2400483 (2024)
Fuchs, A.; Czysch, C.; Maxeiner, K.; Winterwerber, P.; Schmitt, S.; Stickdorn, J.; Zhong, Z.; Medina‐Montano, C.; Räder, H. J.; Bros, M. et al.; De Geest, B. G.; Koynov, K.; Grabbe, S.; Nuhn, L.: Introducing Degradable Cationic Nanogels Carrying TLR9 Stimulating Oligonucleotides. Small, 2406082 (2024)
Schneider, P.; Zhang, H.; Simic, L.; Dai, Z.; Schrörs, B.; Akilli‐Öztürk, Ö.; Lin, J.; Durak, F.; Schunke, J.; Bolduan, V. et al.; Bogaert, B.; Schwiertz, D.; Schäfer, G.; Bros, M.; Grabbe, S.; Schattenberg, J. M.; Raemdonck, K.; Koynov, K.; Diken, M.; Kaps, L.; Barz, M.: Multicompartment Polyion Complex Micelles Based on Triblock Polypept(o)ides Mediate Efficient siRNA Delivery to Cancer‐Associated Fibroblasts for Antistromal Therapy of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Advanced Materials 36 (41), 2404784 (2024)
Zhou, X.; Wang, Y.; Li, X.; Sudersan, P.; Amann-Winkel, K.; Koynov, K.; Nagata, Y.; Berger, R.; Butt, H.-J.: Thickness of Nanoscale Poly(Dimethylsiloxane) Layers Determines the Motion of Sliding Water Drops. Advanced Materials 36 (29), 2311470 (2024)
Liu, J.; Huang, Y.-S.; Liu, Y.; Zhang, D.; Koynov, K.; Butt, H.-J.; Wu, S.: Reconfiguring hydrogel assemblies using a photocontrolled metallopolymer adhesive for multiple customized functions. Nature Chemistry 16 (6), S. 1024 - 1033 (2024)
Wu, Z.-H.; Zhu, X.; Yang, Q.; Zagranyarski, Y.; Mishra, K.; Strickfaden, H.; Wong, R. P.; Basché, T.; Koynov, K.; Bonn, M. et al.; Li, C.; Liu, X.; Müllen, K.: Near-Infrared Perylenecarboximide Fluorophores for Live-Cell Super-Resolution Imaging. Journal of the American Chemical Society 146 (11), S. 7135 - 7139 (2024)
Zhu, X.; Chen, Q.; Zhao, H.; Yang, Q.; Goudappagouda; Gelléri, M.; Ritz, S.; Ng, D.; Koynov, K.; Parekh, S. H. et al.; Chetty, V. K.; Thakur, B. K.; Cremer, C.; Landfester, K.; Müllen, K.; Terenzio, M.; Bonn, M.; Narita, A.; Liu, X.: Intrinsic Burst-Blinking Nanographenes for Super-Resolution Bioimaging. Journal of the American Chemical Society 146 (8), S. 5195 - 5203 (2024)
Scherger, M.; Pilger, Y. A.; Stickdorn, J.; Komforth, P.; Schmitt, S.; Arnouk, S. M.; Lebegge, E.; Koynov, K.; Räder, H. J.; Van Ginderachter, J. A. et al.; Nuhn, L.: Self‐Immolative Nanobody‐Cysteine Residue Modification for Controlled Immunodrug Delivery. Advanced Therapeutics 6 (11), 2300076 (2023)
Gresham, I. J.; Lilley, S. G.; Nelson, A. R. J.; Koynov, K.; Neto, P. C.: Nanostructure Explains the Behavior of Slippery Covalently Attached Liquid Surfaces. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 62 (41), e202308008 (2023)
Bauer, T. A.; Alberg, I.; Zengerling, L. A.; Besenius, P.; Koynov, K.; Slütter, B.; Zentel, R.; Que, I.; Zhang, H.; Barz, M.: Tuning the Cross-Linking Density and Cross-Linker in Core Cross-Linked Polymeric Micelles and Its Effects on the Particle Stability in Human Blood Plasma and Mice. Biomacromolecules 24 (8), S. 3545 - 3556 (2023)
Bauer, T. A.; Schramm, J.; Fenaroli, F.; Siemer, S.; Seidl, C. I.; Rosenauer, C.; Bleul, R.; Stauber, R.; Koynov, K.; Maskos, M. et al.; Barz, M.: Complex Structures Made Simple - Continuous Flow Production of Core Cross‐Linked Polymeric Micelles for Paclitaxel Pro‐Drug‐Delivery. Advanced Materials 35 (21), 2210704 (2023)
Dal, N.-J. K.; Schäfer, G.; Thompson, A. M.; Schmitt, S.; Redinger, N.; Alonso-Rodriguez, N.; Johann, K.; Ojong, J.; Wohlmann, J.; Best, A. et al.; Koynov, K.; Zentel, R.; Schaible, U. E.; Griffiths, G.; Barz, M.; Fenaroli, F.: rl-rl interactions stabilize PeptoMicelle-based formulations of Pretomanid derivatives leading to promising therapy against tuberculosis in zebrafish and mouse models. Journal of Controlled Release 354, S. 851 - 868 (2023)
Han, S.; da Costa Marques, R.; Simon, J.; Kaltbeitzel, A.; Koynov, K.; Landfester, K.; Mailänder, V.; Lieberwirth, I.: Endosomal sorting results in a selective separation of the protein corona from nanoparticles. Nature Communications 14, 295 (2023)
Scherger, M.; Pilger, Y. A.; Stickdorn, J.; Komforth, P.; Schmitt, S.; Koynov, K.; Räder, H. J.; Nuhn, L.: Efficient Self-Immolative RAFT End Group Modification for Macromolecular Immunodrug Delivery. Biomacromolecules 24 (5), S. 2380 - 2391 (2023)
Kousik, S. R.; Ziegler, F.; Sipp, D.; Rodríguez-Camargo, A.; Solodenko, H.; Gassner, W.; Schmitz, G.; Lotsch, B. V.; Buchmeiser, M. R.; Koynov, K. et al.; Atanasova, P.: Imaging the Permeability and Passivation Susceptibility of SiO2 Nanosphere-Based Mesoporous Supports for Molecular Heterogeneous Catalysis under Confinement. ACS Applied Nano Materials 5 (10), S. 14733 - 14745 (2022)
Schmitt, S.; Renzer, G.; Benrath, J.; Best, A.; Jiang, S.; Landfester, K.; Butt, H.-J.; Simonutti, R.; Crespy, D.; Koynov, K.: Monitoring the Formation of Polymer Nanoparticles with Fluorescent Molecular Rotors. Macromolecules 55 (16), S. 7284 - 7293 (2022)
Butt, H.-J.; Liu, J.; Koynov, K.; Straub, B.; Hinduja, C.; Roismann, I.; Berger, R.; Li, X.; Vollmer, D.; Steffen, W. et al.; Kappl, M.: Contact angle hysteresis. Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 59, 101574 (2022)
Liu, W.; Alam, M. N. A.; Liu, Y.; Agafonov, V. N.; Qi, H.; Koynov, K.; Davydov, V. A.; Uzbekov, R.; Kaiser, U.; Lasser, T. et al.; Jelezko, F.; Ermakova, A.; Weil, T.: Silicon-Vacancy Nanodiamonds as High Performance Near-Infrared Emitters for Live-Cell Dual-Color Imaging and Thermometry. Nano Letters 22 (7), S. 2881 - 2888 (2022)
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