Publikationen von Kaja Borup Løvschall

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Szczech, M.; Kowalska, B.; Wurm, F.; Ptaszek, M.; Jarecka-Boncela, A.; Trzcinski , P.; Løvschall, K. B.; Velasquez, S. T. R.; Maciorowski, R.: The Effects of Tomato Intercropping with Medicinal Aromatic Plants Combined with Trichoderma Applications in Organic Cultivation. Agronomy 14 (11), 2572 (2024)
Løvschall, K. B.; Velasquez, S. T. R.; Kowalska, B.; Ptaszek, M.; Jarecka, A.; Szczech, M.; Wurm, F.: Enhancing Stability and Efficacy of Trichoderma Bio‐Control Agents Through Layer‐by‐Layer Encapsulation for Sustainable Plant Protection. Advanced Sustainable Systems 8 (7), 2300409 (2024)
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