Publikationen von Sascha Schmitt

Zeitschriftenartikel (12)

Fuchs, A.; Czysch, C.; Maxeiner, K.; Winterwerber, P.; Schmitt, S.; Stickdorn, J.; Zhong, Z.; Medina‐Montano, C.; Räder, H. J.; Bros, M. et al.; De Geest, B. G.; Koynov, K.; Grabbe, S.; Nuhn, L.: Introducing Degradable Cationic Nanogels Carrying TLR9 Stimulating Oligonucleotides. Small, 2406082 (2024)
Scherger, M.; Pilger, Y. A.; Stickdorn, J.; Komforth, P.; Schmitt, S.; Arnouk, S. M.; Lebegge, E.; Koynov, K.; Räder, H. J.; Van Ginderachter, J. A. et al.; Nuhn, L.: Self‐Immolative Nanobody‐Cysteine Residue Modification for Controlled Immunodrug Delivery. Advanced Therapeutics 6 (11), 2300076 (2023)
Dal, N.-J. K.; Schäfer, G.; Thompson, A. M.; Schmitt, S.; Redinger, N.; Alonso-Rodriguez, N.; Johann, K.; Ojong, J.; Wohlmann, J.; Best, A. et al.; Koynov, K.; Zentel, R.; Schaible, U. E.; Griffiths, G.; Barz, M.; Fenaroli, F.: rl-rl interactions stabilize PeptoMicelle-based formulations of Pretomanid derivatives leading to promising therapy against tuberculosis in zebrafish and mouse models. Journal of Controlled Release 354, S. 851 - 868 (2023)
Scherger, M.; Pilger, Y. A.; Stickdorn, J.; Komforth, P.; Schmitt, S.; Koynov, K.; Räder, H. J.; Nuhn, L.: Efficient Self-Immolative RAFT End Group Modification for Macromolecular Immunodrug Delivery. Biomacromolecules 24 (5), S. 2380 - 2391 (2023)
Schmitt, S.; Renzer, G.; Benrath, J.; Best, A.; Jiang, S.; Landfester, K.; Butt, H.-J.; Simonutti, R.; Crespy, D.; Koynov, K.: Monitoring the Formation of Polymer Nanoparticles with Fluorescent Molecular Rotors. Macromolecules 55 (16), S. 7284 - 7293 (2022)
Kabs, L.; Huppertsberg, A.; Choteschovsky, N.; Klefenz, A.; Dural, F.; Schrörs, B.; Diken, M.; Eichler, E.; Rosigkeit, S.; Schmitt, S. et al.; Leps, C.; Schulze, A.; Foerster, F.; Bockamp, E.; De Geest, B. G.; Koynov, K.; Räder, H.-J.; Tenzer, S.; Marini, F.; Schuppan, D.; Nuhn, L.: pH-degradable, bisphosphonate-loaded nanogels attenuate liver fibrosis by repolarization of M2-type macrophages. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119 (12), e2122310119 (2022)
Schmitt, S.; Huppertsberg, A.; Klefenz, A.; Kaps, L.; Mailänder, V.; Schuppan, D.; Butt, H.-J.; Nuhn, L.; Koynov, K.: Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy Monitors the Fate of Degradable Nanocarriers in the Blood Stream. Biomacromolecules 23 (3), S. 1065 - 1074 (2022)
Schmitt, S.; Nuhn, L.; Barz, M.; Butt, H.-J.; Koynov, K.: Shining Light on Polymeric Drug Nanocarriers with Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 43 (12), 2100892 (2022)
Czysch, C.; Medina-Montano, C.; Zhong, Z.; Fuchs, A.; Stickdorn, J.; Winterwerber, P.; Schmitt, S.; Deswarte, K.; Raabe, M.; Scherger, M. et al.; Combes, F.; Vrieze, J. D.; Kasmi, S.; Sandners, N. N.; Lienenklaus, S.; Koynov, K.; Räder, H.-J.; Lambrecht, B. N.; David, S. A.; Bros, M.; Schild, H.; Grabbe, S.; Geest, B. G. D.; Nuhn, L.: Transient Lymph Node Immune Activation by Hydrolysable Polycarbonate Nanogels. Advanced Functional Materials, 2203490 (2022)
Bauer, T. A.; Horvat, N. K.; Marques, O.; Chocarro, S.; Mertens, C.; Colucci, S.; Schmitt, S.; Carrella, L. M.; Morsbach, S.; Koynov, K. et al.; Fenaroli, F.; Blümler, P.; Jung, M.; Sotillo, R.; Hentze, M. W.; Muckenthaler, M. U.; Barz, M.: Core Cross-Linked Polymeric Micelles for Specific Iron Delivery: Inducing Sterile Inflammation in Macrophages. Advanced Healthcare Materials 10 (19), 2100385 (2021)
Huppertsberg, A.; Kaps, L.; Zhong, Z.; Schmitt, S.; Stickdorn, J.; Deswarte, K.; Combes, F.; Czysch, C.; De Vrieze, J.; Kasmi, S. et al.; Choteschovsky, N.; Klefenz, A.; Medina-Montano, C.; Winterwerber, P.; Chen, C.; Bros, M.; Lienenklaus, S.; Sanders, N. N.; Koynov, K.; Schuppan, D.; Lambrecht, B. N.; David, S. A.; De Geest, B. G.; Nuhn, L.: Squaric Ester-Based, pH-Degradable Nanogels: Modular Nanocarriers for Safe, Systemic Administration of Toll-like Receptor 7/8 Agonistic Immune Modulators. Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (26), S. 9872 - 9883 (2021)
Kramer, S.; Svatunek, D.; Alberg, I.; Gräfen, B.; Schmitt, S.; Braun, L.; van Onzen, A. H.A.M.; Rossin, R.; Koynov, K.; Mikula , H. et al.; Zentel, R.: HPMA-Based Nanoparticles for Fast, Bioorthogonal iEDDA Ligation. Biomacromolecules 20 (10), S. 3786 - 3797 (2019)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Kaps, L.; Huppertsberg, A.; Choteschovsky, N.; Klefenz, A.; Durak, F.; Schoers, B.; Diken, M.; Eichler, E.; Rosigkeit, S.; Schmitt, S. et al.; Leps, C.; Foerster, F.; Bockamp, E.; Degeest, B.; Marini, F.; Koynov, K.; Tenzer, S.; Schuppan, D.; Nuhn, L.: Bisphosphonate-loaded nanogels attentuate liver fibrosis by repolarization of M2-type macrophages. In Journal of Hepatology, 77 (Supplement 1), FRI147, S. S464 - S464. Elsevier, Amsterdam (2022)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Schmitt, S.: Polymeric nanocarriers: from preparation to understanding their behavior in the blood stream. Dissertation, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (2022)
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