Publikationen von Calum T. J. Ferguson
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Zeitschriftenartikel (23)
32, S. 734 - 743 (2020)
Single Atomically Anchored Cobalt on Carbon Quantum Dots as Efficient Photocatalysts for Visible Light-Promoted Oxidation Reactions. Chemistry of Materials
8 (3), S. 1072 - 1076 (2020)
Dispersible porous classical polymer photocatalysts for visible light-mediated production of pharmaceutically relevant compounds in multiple solvents. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2019
58 (31), S. 10567 - 10571 (2019)
Dual-Responsive Photocatalytic Polymer Nanogels. Angewandte Chemie International Edition Review Article (2)
Review Article
14 (5), S. 1646 - 1652 (2022)
Photocatalytic polymer nanomaterials for the production of high value compounds. Nanoscale 2021
Review Article
11 (15), S. 9547 - 9560 (2021)
Classical Polymers as Highly Tunable and Designable Heterogeneous Photocatalysts. ACS Catalysis