Publikationen von Dimitrios A. Koutsouras

Zeitschriftenartikel (15)

Dreamer, N. E.; Koutsouras, D. A.; Hassanpour Amiri, M.; Gkoupidenis, P.; Asadi, K.: The Impact of Non‐Monolithic Semiconductor Capacitance on Organic Electrochemical Transistors Performance and Design. Advanced Electronic Materials 10 (12), 2400373 (2024)
Colucci, R.; Koutsouras, D. A.; Morsbach, S.; Gkoupidenis, P.; Blom, P. W. M.; Kraft, U.: Organic Electrochemical Transistor-Based Immunosensors for SARS-CoV-2 Detection. ACS Applied Electronic Materials 6 (4), S. 2739 - 2748 (2024)
Kaygisiz, K.; Ender, A. M.; Gačanin, J.; Kaczmarek, L. A.; Koutsouras, D. A.; Nalakath, A. N.; Winterwerber, P.; Mayer, F. J.; Räder, H. J.; Marszalek, T. et al.; Blom, P. W. M.; Synatschke, C. V.; Weil, T.: Photoinduced Amyloid Fibril Degradation for Controlled Cell Patterning. Macromolecular Bioscience 23 (2), 2200294 (2023)
Koutsouras, D. A.; Torricelli, F.; Blom, P. W. M.: Submicron Vertical Channel Organic Electrochemical Transistors with Ultrahigh Transconductance. Advanced Electronic Materials 9 (2), 2200868 (2022)
Krauhausen, I.; Koutsouras, D. A.; Melianas, A.; Keene, S. T.; Lieberth, K.; Ledanseur, H.; Sheelamanthula, R.; Giovannitti, A.; Torricelli, F.; Mcculloch, I. et al.; Blom, P. W. M.; Salleo, A.; van de Burgt, Y.; Gkoupidenis, P.: Organic neuromorphic electronics for sensorimotor integration and learning in robotics. Science Advances 7 (50), eabl5068 (2021)
Koutsouras, D. A.; Torricelli, F.; Gkoupidenis, P.; Blom, P. W. M.: Efficient Gating of Organic Electrochemical Transistors with In-Plane Gate Electrodes. Advanced Materials Technologies 6 (12), 2100732 (2021)
Koutsouras, D. A.; Lieberth, K.; Torricelli, F.; Gkoupidenis, P.; Blom, P. W. M.: Selective Ion Detection with Integrated Organic Electrochemical Transistors. Advanced Materials Technologies, 2100591 (2021)
Koutsouras, D. A.; Hassanpour Amiri, M.; Blom, P.; Torricelli, F.; Asadi, K.; Gkoupidenis, P.: An Iontronic Multiplexer Based on Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Multiterminal Organic Electrochemical Transistors. Advanced Functional Materials 31 (22), 2011013 (2021)
Torricelli, F.; Romele, P.; Gkoupidenis, P.; Koutsouras, D. A.; Lieberth, K.; Kovács-Vajna, Z. M.; Blom, P. W. M.: Integrated amplifier with complementary organic electrochemical transistors for high-sensitivity ion detection and real-time monitoring. Integrated Sensors for Biological and Neural Sensing: SPIE BIOS 6-12 March 2021, California, United States, 1166314 (2021)
Romele, P.; Gkoupidenis, P.; Koutsouras, D. A.; Lieberth, K.; Kovács-Vajna, Z. M.; Blom, P. W. M.; Torricelli, F.: Multiscale real time and high sensitivity ion detection with complementary organic electrochemical transistors amplifier. Nature Communications 11 (1), 3743 (2020)
Ling, H.; Koutsouras, D. A.; Kazemzadeh, S.; van de Burgt, Y.; Yan, F.; Gkoupidenis, P.: Electrolyte-gated transistors for synaptic electronics, neuromorphic computing, and adaptable biointerfacing. Applied Physics Reviews 7 (1), 011307 (2020)
Koutsouras, D. A.; Lingstedt, L.; Lieberth, K.; Reinholz, J.; Mailänder, V.; Blom, P.; Gkoupidenis, P.: Probing the Impedance of a Biological Tissue with PEDOT:PSS-Coated Metal Electrodes: Effect of Electrode Size on Sensing Efficiency. Advanced Healthcare Materials 8 (23), 1901215 (2019)
Lingstedt, L. V.; Ghittorelli, M.; Lu, H.; Koutsouras, D. A.; Marszalek, T.; Torricelli, F.; Crăciun, N. I.; Gkoupidenis, P.; Blom, P. W. M.: Effect of DMSO Solvent Treatments on the Performance of PEDOT:PSS Based Organic Electrochemical Transistors. Advanced Electronic Materials 5 (3), 1800804 (2019)
Koutsouras, D. A.; Prodromakis, T.; Malliaras, G. G.; Blom, P.; Gkoupidenis, P.: Functional Connectivity of Organic Neuromorphic Devices by Global Voltage Oscillations. Advanced Intelligent Systems 1 (1), 1900013 (2019)
Koutsouras, D. A.; Malliaras, G. G.; Gkoupidenis, P.: Emulating homeoplasticity phenomena with organic electrochemical devices. MRS Communications 8 (2), S. 493 - 497 (2018)

Konferenzbeitrag (2)

Krauhausen, I.; Gkoupidenis, P.; Melianas, A.; Keene, S. T.; Lieberth, K.; Ledanseur, H.; Sheelamanthula, R.; Koutsouras, D. A.; Torricelli, F.; McCulloch, I. et al.; Blom, P. W. M.; Salleo, A.; van de Burgt, Y.; Giovannitti, A.: Local sensorimotor control and learning in robotics with organic neuromorphic electronics. Neural Interfaces and Artificial Senses (NIAS), Spain, 22. September 2021 - 23. September 2021. Proceedings of the Neural Interfaces and Artificial Senses, (2021)
Gkoupidenis, P.; Koutsouras, D. A.; Malliaras, G. G.: Neuromorphic devices based on organic mixed conductors. In: Proc. SPIE, Organic and Hybrid Sensors and Bioelectronics XI, Bd. 10738, 107380B (Hg. Kymissis, I.; Shinar, R.; Torsi, L.; List-Kratochvil, E. J. W.). SPIE ORGANIC PHOTONICS + ELECTRONICS, San Diego, CA, United States, 19. August 2018 - 23. August 2018. (2018)

Review Article (1)

Review Article
Lieberth, K.; Romele, P.; Torricelli, F.; Koutsouras, D. A.; Brückner, M.; Mailänder, V.; Gkoupidenis, P.; Blom, P. W. M.: Current-Driven Organic Electrochemical Transistors for Monitoring Cell Layer Integrity with Enhanced Sensitivity. Advanced Healthcare Materials 10 (19), 2100845 (2021)
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