Publikationen von Christine Peter

Konferenzbeitrag (1)

Potestio, R.; Fogarty, A.; Peter, C.; Kremer, K.: Adaptive Resolution Simulation. In: Computational Trends in Solvation and Transport in Liquids - Lecture Notes, S. 353 - 381 (Hg. Sutmann, G.; Grotendorst, J.; Gompper, G.; Marx, D.). CECAM school, 23-27 March 2015, Jülich, Germany, Jülich, 23. März 2015 - 27. März 2015. Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich (2015)

Meeting Abstract (5)

Meeting Abstract
Chaimovich, A.; Kremer, K.; Peter, C.: Relative resolution: A hybrid strategy for molecular modeling. In Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 249, 297. 249th National Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS), Denver, CO, 20. März 2015 - 27. März 2015. (2015)
Meeting Abstract
Globisch, C.; Jochum, M.; Peter, C.: Molecular Dynamics of Peptide Folding and Aggregation at the Vapor-Water Interface. In Biophysical Journal, 104 (2), S. 688A - 688A. Biophysical Society, Bethesda, MD (2013)
Meeting Abstract
Globisch, C.; Krishnamani, V.; Deserno, M.; Peter, C.: Optimization of an elastic network augmented coarse-grained model to study CCMV capsid deformation. In European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters, 42, S. S86 - S86 . 9th European-Biophysical-Societies-Association Congress, Lisbon, PORTUGAL, 13. Juli 2013 - 17. Juli 2013. Springer, Berlin (2013)
Meeting Abstract
Krishnamani, V.; Globisch, C.; Peter, C.; Deserno, M.: Optimization of an Elastic Network Augmented Coarse Grained Model to Study Ccmv Capsid Deformation. In Biophysical Journal, 104 (2), S. 413A - 413A. Biophysical Society, Bethesda, MD (2013)
Meeting Abstract
Schach, D.; Weiss, C.; Peter, C.; Bonn, M.; Weidner, T.: Folding and Unfolding of pH Sensitive Peptides: The Role of Interfaces. In Biophysical Journal, 104 (2), S. 394A - 394A. Biophysical Society, Bethesda, MD (2013)