Publikationen von Ingo Lieberwirth

Zeitschriftenartikel (212)

Harley, I.; Mazzotta, F.; Shaulli, X.; Scheffold, F.; Landfester, K.; Lieberwirth, I.: Practical considerations for plunge freezing samples over 40 °C for Cryo-EM. Micron 188, 103745 (2025)
Rios-Studer, T.; Chen, Z.; Nickel, C.; Feng, F.; Sowa, K.; Oseghe, E. O.; Akbari, S. S.; Rahali, S.; Prädel, L. A.; Lieberwirth, I. et al.; Zhang, G.; Gao, D.; Liu, R.; Streb, C.: Ruthenium-Doped Copper Nanowires for Nitrite/Nitrate to Ammonia Conversion and Their Integration in Zinc-Nitrite Batteries. ChemCatChem, e202401690 (2024)
Jeena, M. T.; Link, J.; Zhang, J.; Harley, I.; Turunen, P.; Graf, R.; Wagner, M.; Baptista, L. A.; Jonker, H. R. A.; Cui, L. et al.; Lieberwirth, I.; Landfester, K.; Rao, J.; Ng, D. Y. W.; Weil, T.: Chaperone-Derived Copper(I)-Binding Peptide Nanofibers Disrupt Copper Homeostasis in Cancer Cells. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 63 (51), e202412477 (2024)
Jeena, M. T.; Link, J.; Zhang, J.; Harley, I.; Turunen, P.; Graf, R.; Wagner, M.; Baptista, L. A.; Jonker, H. R. A.; Cui, L. et al.; Lieberwirth, I.; Landfester, K.; Rao, J.; Ng, D. Y. W.; Weil, T.: Chaperon-Abgeleitete Kupfer(I)-Bindende Peptidnanofibrillen stören die Kupferhomöostase in Krebszellen. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 136 (51), e202412477 (2024)
Mazzotta, F.; Chali, S. P.; Lieberwirth, I.; Ferguson, C. T. J.; Landfester, K.: Tailoring reactive handles on the surface of nanoparticles for covalent conjugation of biomolecules. Polymer Chemistry (2024)
Rivero Berti, I.; Gambaro, R. C.; Limeres, M. J.; Huck-Iriart, C.; Svensson, M.; Fraude-El Ghazi, S.; Pretsch, L.; Si, S.; Lieberwirth, I.; Landfester, K. et al.; Cacicedo, M. L.; Islan, G. A.; Gehring, S.: Encapsulation of Dexamethasone into mRNA–Lipid Nanoparticles Is a Promising Approach for the Development of Liver-Targeted Anti-Inflammatory Therapies. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (20), 11254 (2024)
Chala, S. A.; Liu, R.; Oseghe, E. O.; Clausing, S. T.; Kampf, C.; Bansmann, J.; Clark, A. H.; Zhou, Y.; Lieberwirth, I.; Biskupek, J. et al.; Kaiser, U.; Streb, C.: Selective Electroreduction of CO2 to Ethanol via Cobalt–Copper Tandem Catalysts. ACS Catalysis 14 (20), S. 15553 - 15564 (2024)
Buhl, R.; Yildirim, T. M.; Schickhardt, S. K.; Britz, L.; Lieberwirth, I.; Auffarth, G. U.; Khoramnia, R.: Higher phosphate concentrations as in aqueous humor of diabetic patients increase intraocular lens calcification. BMC Ophthalmology 24, 363 (2024)
Mazzotta, F.; Gačanin, J.; Baptista, L. A.; Landfester, K.; Weil, T.; Lieberwirth, I.: Unraveling Structural Characteristics of Honeycomb Amyloid Self-Assembling Peptide: HONEY ASAP! Microscopy and Microanalysis 30 (Supplement 1), ozae044.355 (2024)
Yu, J.; Marchesi D'Alvise, T.; Harley, I.; Krysztofik, A.; Lieberwirth, I.; Pula, P.; Majewski, P. W.; Graczykowski, B.; Hunger, J.; Landfester, K. et al.; Kuan, S. L.; Shi, R.; Synatschke, C. V.; Weil, T.: Ion and Molecular Sieving With Ultrathin Polydopamine Nanomembranes. Advanced Materials 36 (29), 2401137 (2024)
Gambaro, R.; Rivero Berti, I.; Limeres, M. J.; Huck-Iriart, C.; Svensson, M.; Fraude, S.; Pretsch, L.; Si, S.; Lieberwirth, I.; Gehring, S. et al.; Cacicedo, M.; Islan, G. A.: Optimizing mRNA-Loaded Lipid Nanoparticles as a Potential Tool for Protein-Replacement Therapy. Pharmaceutics 16 (6), 771 (2024)
Ren, Y.; Zhou, Z.; Maxeiner, K.; Kaltbeitzel, A.; Harley, I.; Xing, J.; Wu, Y.; Wagner, M.; Landfester, K.; Lieberwirth, I. et al.; Weil, T.; Ng, D. Y. W.: Supramolecular Assembly in Live Cells Mapped by Real-Time Phasor-Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging. Journal of the American Chemical Society 146 (17), S. 11991 - 11999 (2024)
Freese, S.; Glasser, G.; Susewind, M.; Lieberwirth, I.; Hofe, T.; Jonas, U.: Morphological design of PDVB-based particles. Nano Select 5 (3), 2300064 (2024)
Liang, J.; Ender, C. P.; Rohrbeck, P.; Graf, R.; Lieberwirth, I.; Räder, H. J.; Wagner, M.; Weber, S. A. L.; Müllen, K.; Weil, T.: High pressure induced formation of carbon nanorods from tetracosane. Diamond and Related Materials 143, 110913 (2024)
Chychko, L.; Khoramnia, R.; Son, H.-S.; Schickhardt, S. K.; Lieberwirth, I.; Auffarth, G. U.; Yildirim, T. M.: Material Analysis of Explanted Calcified Silicone Intraocular Lenses in Association with Asteroid Hyalosis. Ophthalmology and Therapy 2024 (2024)
Hammer, M.; Britz, L.; Schickhardt, S.; Lieberwirth, I.; Munro, D.; Uhl, P.; Scheuerle, A.; Khoramnia, R.; Łabuz, G.; Auffarth, G. U.: Quantification of Straylight Induced by Silicone Oil Adherent to Intraocular Lenses of Different Materials. American journal of ophthalmology 262, S. 192 - 198 (2024)
Lu, Q.; Vosberg, B.; Wang, Z.; Balasubramanian, P.; Sow, M.; Volkert, C.; Gonzalez Brouwer, R.; Lieberwirth, I.; Graf, R.; Jelezko, F. et al.; Plenio, M. B.; Wu, Y.; Weil, T.: Unraveling Eumelanin Radical Formation by Nanodiamond Optical Relaxometry in a Living Cell. Journal of the American Chemical Society 146 (11), S. 7222 - 7232 (2024)
Schickhardt, S. K.; Łabuz, G.; Munro, D. J.; Lieberwirth, I.; Zhang, L.; Fang, H.; Auffarth, G. U.: In-vitro assessment of a novel intraocular lens made of crosslinked polyisobutylene. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 152, 106368 (2024)
Kretschmer, V.; Schneider, S.; Matthiessen, P. A.; Reichert, D.; Hotaling, N.; Glasser, G.; Lieberwirth, I.; Bharti, K.; Cegli, R. D.; Conte, I. et al.; Nandrot, E. F.; May-Simera, H. L.: Deletion of IFT20 exclusively in the RPE ablates primary cilia and leads to retinal degeneration. PLoS Biology 21 (12), e3002402 (2023)
da Costa Marques, R.; Hüppe, N.; Speth, K. R.; Oberländer, J.; Lieberwirth, I.; Landfester, K.; Mailänder, V.: Proteomics reveals time-dependent protein corona changes in the intracellular pathway. Acta Biomaterialia 172, S. 355 - 368 (2023)
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