Publikationen von Johan Hofkens

Review Article (6)

Review Article
Wen, G.; Leen, V.; Rohand, T.; Sauer, M.; Hofkens, J.: Current Progress in Expansion Microscopy: Chemical Strategies and Applications. Chemical Reviews 123 (6), S. 3299 - 3323 (2023)
Review Article
Romolini, G.; Steele, J. A.; Hofkens, J.; Roeffaers, M. B. J.; Coutino-Gonzalez, E.: Tunable Luminescence from Stable Silver Nanoclusters Confined in Microporous Zeolites. Advanced Optical Materials 9 (13), 2100526 (2021)
Review Article
Dey, A.; Ye, J.; De, A.; Debroye, E.; Ha, S. K.; Bladt, E.; Kshirsagar, A. S.; Wang, Z.; Yin, J.; Wang, Y. et al.; Quan, L. N.; Yan, F.; Gao, M.; Li, X.; Shamsi, J.; Debnath, T.; Cao, M.; Scheel, M. A.; Kumar, S.; Steele, J. A.; Gerhard, M.; Chouhan, L.; Xu, K.; Wu, X.-g.; Li, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Dutta, A.; Han, C.; Vincon, I.; Rogach, A. L.; Nag, A.; Samanta, A.; Korgel, B. A.; Shih, C.-J.; Gamelin, D. R.; Son, D. H.; Zeng, H.; Zhong, H.; Sun, H.; Demir, H. V.; Scheblykin, I. G.; Mora-Seró, I.; Stolarczyk, J. K.; Zhang, J. Z.; Feldmann, J.; Hofkens, J.; Luther, J. M.; Pérez-Prieto, J.; Li, L.; Manna, L.; Bodnarchuk, M. I.; Kovalenko, M. V.; Roeffaers, M. B. J.; Pradhan, N.; Mohammed, O. F.; Bakr, O. M.; Yang, P.; Müller-Buschbaum, P.; Kamat, P. V.; Bao, Q.; Zhang, Q.; Krahne, R.; Galian, R. E.; Stranks, S. D.; Bals, S.; Biju, V.; Tisdale, W. A.; Yan, Y.; Hoye, R. L. Z.; Polavarapu, L.: State of the Art and Prospects for Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals. ACS Nano 15 (7), S. 10775 - 10981 (2021)
Review Article
Steele, J. A.; Prakasam, V.; Huang, H.; Solano, E.; Chernyshov, D.; Hofkens, J.; Roeffaers, M. B. J.: Trojans That Flip the Black Phase: Impurity-Driven Stabilization and Spontaneous Strain Suppression in gamma-CsPbI3 Perovskite. Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (28), S. 10500 - 10508 (2021)
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