Publikationen von Qiang Chen

Zeitschriftenartikel (34)

Chen, Q.; Thoms, S.; Stöttinger, S.; Schollmeyer, D.; Müllen, K.; Narita, A.; Basche, T.: Dibenzo[hi,st]ovalene as Highly Luminescent Nanographene: Efficient Synthesis via Photochemical Cyclodehydroiodination, Optoelectronic Properties, and Single-Molecule Spectroscopy. Journal of the American Chemical Society 141 (41), S. 16439 - 16449 (2019)
Chen, Q.; Wang, D.; Baumgarten, M.; Schollmeyer, D.; Müllen, K.; Narita, A.: Regioselective Bromination and Functionalization of Dibenzo[hi,st]ovalene as Highly Luminescent Nanographene with Zigzag Edges. Chemistry – An Asian Journal 14 (10), S. 1703 - 1707 (2019)
Chen, Q.; Zajaczkowski, W.; Seibel, J.; Feyter, S. D.; Pisula, W.; Müllen, K.; Narita, A.: Synthesis and helical supramolecular organization of discotic liquid crystalline dibenzo[hi,st]ovalene. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 7 (41), S. 12898 - 12906 (2019)
Fantuzzi, P.; Candini, A.; Chen, Q.; Yao, X.; Dumslaff, T.; Mishra, N.; Coletti, C.; Müllen, K.; Narita, A.; Affronte, M.: Color Sensitive Response of Graphene/Graphene Quantum Dot Phototransistors. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (43), S. 26490 - 26497 (2019)
Giovannantonio, M. D.; Eimre, K.; Yakutovich, A. V.; Chen, Q.; Mishra, S.; Urgel, J.; Pignedoli, C. A.; Ruffieux, P.; Muellen, K.; Narita, A. et al.; Fasel, ∥. R.: On-Surface Synthesis of Antiaromatic and Open-Shell Indeno[2,1- b]fluorene Polymers and Their Lateral Fusion into Porous Ribbons. Journal of the American Chemical Society 141 (31), S. 12346 - 12354 (2019)
Hu, Y.; Paternò, G. M.; Wang, X.-Y.; Wang, X.-C.; Guizzardi, M.; Chen, Q.; Schollmeyer, D.; Cao, X.-Y.; Cerullo, G.; Scotognella, F. et al.; Müllen, K.; Narita, A.: π‑Extended Pyrene-Fused Double [7]Carbohelicene as a Chiral Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon. Journal of the American Chemical Society 141 (32), S. 12797 - 12803 (2019)
Narita, A.; Chen, Z.; Chen, Q.; Müllen, K.: Solution and on-surface synthesis of structurally defined graphene nanoribbons as a new family of semiconductors. Chemical Science 10 (4), S. 964 - 975 (2019)
Paterno, G. M.; Moretti, L.; Barker, A. J.; Chen, Q.; Müllen, K.; Narita, A.; Cerullo, G.; Scotognella, F.; Lanzani, G.: Pump-Push-Probe for Ultrafast All-Optical Switching: The Case of a Nanographene Molecule. Advanced Functional Materials 29 (21), 1805249 (2019)
Urgel, J. I.; Di Giovannantonio, M.; Gandus, G.; Chen, Q.; Liu, X.; Hayashi, H.; Ruffieux, P.; Decurtins, S.; Narita, A.; Passerone, D. et al.; Yamada, H.; Liu, S.-X.; Müllen, K.; Pignedoli, C. A.; Fasel, R.: Overcoming Steric Hindrance in Aryl-Aryl Homocoupling via On-Surface Copolymerization. ChemPhysChem 20 (18), S. 2360 - 2366 (2019)
Chen, Q.; Brambilla, L.; Daukiya, L.; Mali, K. S.; De Feyter, S.; Tommasini, M.; Müllen, K.; Narita, A.: Synthesis of Triply Fused Porphyrin-Nanographene Conjugates. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 57 (35), S. 11233 - 11237 (2018)
Paterno, G. M.; Nicoli, L.; Chen, Q.; Muellen, K.; Narita, A.; Lanzani, G.; Scotognella, F.: Modulation of the Nonlinear Optical Properties of Dibenzo[hi,st]ovalene by Peripheral Substituents. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122, S. 25007 - 25013 (2018)
Coles, D. M.; Chen, Q.; Flatten, L. C.; Smith, J. M.; Müllen, K.; Narita, A.; Lidzey, D. G.: Strong Exciton-Photon Coupling in a Nanographene Filled Microcavity. Nano Letters 17 (9), S. 5521 - 5525 (2017)
Liu, Z.; Wang, H. I.; Narita, A.; Chen, Q.; Mics, Z.; Turchinovich, D.; Kläui, M.; Bonn, M.; Müllen, K.: Photoswitchable Micro-Supercapacitor Based on a Diarylethene-Graphene Composite Film. Journal of the American Chemical Society 139 (28), S. 9443 - 9446 (2017)
Paterno, G. M.; Chen, Q.; Wang, X.-Y.; Liu, J.; Motti, S. G.; Petrozza, A.; Feng, X.; Lanzani, G.; Müllen, K.; Narita, A. et al.; Scotognella, F.: Synthesis of Dibenzo[hi,st]ovalene and Its Amplified Spontaneous Emission in a Polystyrene Matrix. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 56 (24), S. 6753 - 6757 (2017)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Chen, Q.: Bottom-up syntheses of zigzag-edged nanographenes and nanographene-porphyrin conjugates. Dissertation, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (2021)

Patent (1)

Chen, Q.; Narita, A.; Müllen, K.; Parekh, S. H.; Bonn, M.; Liu, X.: Hydrophilic and particularly water soluble DBOV-Derivatives. (2020)

Review Article (1)

Review Article
Paterno, G. M.; Goudappagouda; Chen, Q.; Lanzani, G.; Scotognella, F.; Narita, A.: Large Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons as Graphene Quantum Dots: from Synthesis to Spectroscopy and Photonics. Advanced Optical Materials 9 (23), 2100508 (2021)
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