Publications of Chirag Hinduja

Journal Article (8)

Journal Article
Hinduja, C.; Butt, H.-J.; Berger, R.: Slide electrification of drops at low velocities. Soft Matter 20 (15), pp. 3349 - 3358 (2024)
Journal Article
Zhou, X.; Sudersan, P.; Díaz, D.; Leibauer, B.; Hinduja, C.; Darvish, F.; Bista, P.; Hauer, L.; Wagner, M.; Steffen, W. et al.; Liu, J.; Kappl, M.; Butt, H.-J.: Chemically robust superhydrophobic surfaces with a self‐replenishing nanoscale liquid coating. Droplet 3 (1), e103 (2024)
Journal Article
Despot, L.; Hinduja, C.; Lehn, R.; Mikolei, J.; Richter, T.; Köbschall, K.; Stanzel, M.; Berger, R.; Hussong, J.; Ceolin, M. et al.; Andrieu-Brunsen, A.: Molecular transport and water condensation inside mesopores with wettability step gradients. Nanoscale Advances 5 (22), pp. 6123 - 6134 (2023)
Journal Article
Shumaly, S.; Darvish, F.; Li, X.; Saal, A.; Hinduja, C.; Steffen, W.; Kukharenko, O.; Butt, H.-J.; Berger, R.: Deep Learning to Analyze Sliding Drops. Langmuir 39 (3), pp. 1111 - 1122 (2023)
Journal Article
Laroche, A.; Naga, A.; Hinduja, C.; Sharifi-Aghili, A.; Saal, A.; Kim, H.; Gao, N.; Wooh, S.; Butt, H.-J.; Berger, R. et al.; Vollmer, D.: Tuning static drop friction. Droplet 2 (1), e42 (2023)
Journal Article
Hegner, K. I.; Hinduja, C.; Butt, H.-J.; Vollmer, D.: Fluorine-Free Super-Liquid-Repellent Surfaces: Pushing the Limits of PDMS. Nano Letters 23, pp. 3116 - 3121 (2023)
Journal Article
Hinduja, C.; Laroche, A.; Shumaly, S.; Wang, Y.; Vollmer, D.; Butt, H.-J.; Berger, R.: Scanning Drop Friction Force Microscopy. Langmuir 38 (48), pp. 14635 - 14643 (2022)
Journal Article
Butt, H.-J.; Liu, J.; Koynov, K.; Straub, B.; Hinduja, C.; Roismann, I.; Berger, R.; Li, X.; Vollmer, D.; Steffen, W. et al.; Kappl, M.: Contact angle hysteresis. Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 59, 101574 (2022)
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