Publications of Yulia B. Borozdina

Journal Article (7)

Journal Article
Borozdina, Y. B.; Mostovich, E. A.; Cong, P. T.; Postulka, L.; Wolf, B.; Lang, M.; Baumgarten, M.: Spin-dimer networks: engineering tools to adjust the magnetic interactions in biradicals. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 5 (35), pp. 9053 - 9065 (2017)
Journal Article
Kakavandi, R.; Calzolari, A.; Borozdina, Y. B.; Ravat, P.; Chasse, T.; Baumgarten, M.; Casu, M. B.: Unraveling the mark of surface defects on a spinterface: The nitronyl nitroxide/TiO2(110) interface. Nano Research 9 (11), pp. 3515 - 3527 (2016)
Journal Article
Kakavandi, R.; Ravat, P.; Savu, S. A.; Borozdina, Y. B.; Baumgarten, M.; Casu, M. B.: Electronic Structure and Stability of Fluorophore-Nitroxide Radicals from Ultrahigh Vacuum to Air Exposure. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 7 (3), pp. 1685 - 1692 (2015)
Journal Article
Borozdina, Y. B.; Mostovich, E.; Enkelmann, V.; Wolf, B.; Cong, P. T.; Tutsch, U.; Lang, M.; Baumgarten, M.: Interacting networks of purely organic spin-1/2 dimers. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2 (32), pp. 6618 - 6629 (2014)
Journal Article
Ravat, P.; Borozdina, Y.; Ito, Y.; Enkelmann, V.; Baumgarten, M.: Crystal Engineering of Tolane Bridged Nitronyl Nitroxide Biradicals: Candidates for Quantum Magnets. Crystal Growth & Design 14 (11), pp. 5840 - 5846 (2014)
Journal Article
Borozdina, Y. B.; Kamm, V.; Laquai, F.; Baumgarten, M.: Tuning the sensitivity of fluorophore-nitroxide radicals. Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (26), pp. 13260 - 13267 (2012)
Journal Article
Mostovich, E. A.; Borozdina, Y.; Enkelmann, V.; Removic-Langer, K.; Wolf, B.; Lang, M.; Baumgarten, M.: Planar Biphenyl-Bridged Biradicals as Building Blocks for the Design of Quantum Magnets. Crystal Growth & Design 12 (1), pp. 54 - 59 (2012)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Borozdina, Y. B.: Aminoxyl radicals - pure organic materials with tunable magnetic and sensing properties. Dissertation, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (2012)