Publications | Dept. Bonn

Journal Article (908)

Journal Article
Xu, Q.; Szymoniak, P.; Kolmangadi, M. A.; Yang, Z.; Wang, S.; Gao, Y.; Shang, J.; Hunger, J.; Aldiyarov, A.; Schönhals, A. et al.; Ge, Y.; Qi, Z.: Molecular engineering of supramolecular polymer adhesive with confined water and a single crown ether. Chemical Science (2025)
Journal Article
Sobarzo, J. C.; Pertl, F.; Balazs, D. M.; Costanzo, T.; Sauer, M.; Foelske, A.; Ostermann, M.; Pichler, C. M.; Wang, Y.; Nagata, Y. et al.; Bonn, M.; Waitukaitis, S.: Spontaneous ordering of identical materials into a triboelectric series. Nature 638 (8051), pp. 664 - 669 (2025)
Journal Article
Wen, G.; Chen, X.; Eiring, P.; Leen, V.; Hofkens, J.; Sauer, M.: Functionalized Docetaxel Probes for Refined Visualization of Mitotic Spindles by Expansion Microscopy. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2025)
Journal Article
Nickel, C.; Troglauer, D. L.; Dallos, Z.; Abid, D.; Sowa, K.; Cichocka, M. O.; Kolb, U.; Mashtakov, B.; Mohazzab, B. F.; Han, S. et al.; Prädel, L.; Ci, L.; Li, D.; Lin, X.; Hua, M.; Liu, R.; Gao, D.: Self-optimizing Cobalt Tungsten Oxide Electrocatalysts toward Enhanced Oxygen Evolution in Alkaline Media. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English, e202424074 (2025)
Journal Article
Nickel, C.; Troglauer, D. L.; Dallos, Z.; Abid, D.; Sowa, K.; Cichocka, M. O.; Kolb, U.; Mashtakov, B.; Mohazzab, B. F.; Han, S. et al.; Prädel, L.; Ci, L.; Li, D.; Lin, X.; Hua, M.; Liu, R.; Gao, D.: Selbstoptimierende Kobalt Wolframoxid Elektrokatalysatoren zur verbesserten Sauerstoffentwicklung in alkalischen Medien. Angewandte Chemie (2025)
Journal Article
Jöbsis, H. J.; Gao, L.; Reponen, A.-P. M.; VanOrman, Z. A.; Rijpers, R. P.P.P.M.; Wang, H. I.; Wang, H. I.; Feldmann, S.; Hutter, E. M.: The Effect of Charge Carrier Cooling on the Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics in Cs2AgBiBr6 Thin Films. ACS Energy Letters, pp. 1050 - 1056 (2025)
Journal Article
Zhang, L.; Ding, H.; Gao, H.; Gong, J.; Guo, H.; Zhang, S.; Yu, Y.; He, G.; Deng, T.; Parkin, I. P. et al.; Hofkens, J.; Fan, X.; Lai, F.; Liu, T.: An integrated design for high-energy, durable zinc–iodine batteries with ultra-high recycling efficiency. Energy & Environmental Science (2025)
Journal Article
Wu, S.; Huang, X.; Fu, S.; Li, Z.; Yin, S.; Liao, W.; Wang, M.; Lu, Y.; Bonn, M.; Sun, Y. et al.; Feng, X.; Xu, W.: Selenium‐Substitution Strategy for Enhanced Mobility, Tunable Bandgap, and Improved Electrochemical Energy Storage in Semiconducting Conjugated Coordination Polymers. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, e202419865 (2025)
Journal Article
Guo, H.; Zhou, Y.; Chu, K.; Cao, X.; Qin, J.; Zhang, N.; Roeffaers, M. B. J.; Zbořil, R.; Hofkens, J.; Müllen, K. et al.; Lai, F.; Liu, T.: Improved Ammonia Synthesis and Energy Output from Zinc-Nitrate Batteries by Spin-State Regulation in Perovskite Oxides. Journal of the American Chemical Society 147 (4), pp. 3119 - 3128 (2025)
Journal Article
Chen, X.; Abakumov, S.; Wranne, M. S.; Goyvaerts, V.; Helmer Lauer, M.; Rubberecht, J.; Rohand, T.; Leen, V.; Westerlund, F.; Hofkens, J.: Sequence-Specific Minor Groove Binders in Labeling and Single-Molecule Analysis of DNA. Journal of the American Chemical Society 147 (1), pp. 384 - 396 (2025)
Journal Article
Coquinot, B.; Bui, A. T.; Toquer, D.; Michaelides, A.; Kavokine, N.; Cox, S. J.; Bocquet, L.: Momentum tunnelling between nanoscale liquid flows. Nature Nanotechnology (2025)
Journal Article
Cybulski, P.; Bravo, M.; Chen, J. J.-K.; Van Zundert, I.; Krzyzowska, S.; Taemaitree, F.; Uji-i, H.; Hofkens, J.; Rocha, S.; Fortuni, B.: Nanoparticle accumulation and penetration in 3D tumor models: the effect of size, shape, and surface charge. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 12 (2025)
Journal Article
Wieland, F.; Bothen, N.; Schwidetzky, R.; Seifried, T. M.; Bieber, P.; Pöschl, U.; Meister, K.; Bonn, M.; Fröhlich-Nowoisky, J.; Grothe, H.: Aggregation of ice-nucleating macromolecules fromBetula pendulapollen determines ice nucleation efficiency. Biogeosciences 22 (1), pp. 103 - 115 (2025)
Journal Article
Yang, Q.; Failla, A. V.; Turunen, P.; Mateos Maroto, A.; Gai, M.; Zuschratter, W.; Westendorf, S.; Gelléri, M.; Chen, Q.; Goudappagouda, H. et al.; Zhao, H.; Zhu, X.; Morsbach, S.; Scheele, M.; Yan, W.; Landfester, K.; Kabe, R.; Bonn, M.; Narita, A.; Liu, X.: Reactivatable stimulated emission depletion microscopy using fluorescence-recoverable nanographene. Nature Communications 16, 1341 (2025)
Journal Article
Louis, B.; Seth, S.; An, Q.; Ji, R.; Vaynzof, Y.; Hofkens, J.; Scheblykin, I. G.: In Operando Locally‐Resolved Photophysics in Perovskite Solar Cells by Correlation Clustering Imaging. Advanced Materials, 2413126 (2024)
Journal Article
Rios-Studer, T.; Chen, Z.; Nickel, C.; Feng, F.; Sowa, K.; Oseghe, E. O.; Akbari, S. S.; Rahali, S.; Prädel, L. A.; Lieberwirth, I. et al.; Zhang, G.; Gao, D.; Liu, R.; Streb, C.: Ruthenium-Doped Copper Nanowires for Nitrite/Nitrate to Ammonia Conversion and Their Integration in Zinc-Nitrite Batteries. ChemCatChem, e202401690 (2024)
Journal Article
Rupeika, E. R.; D’Huys, L.; Leen, V.; Hofkens, J.: Sequencing and Optical Genome Mapping for the Adventurous Chemist. Chemical & Biomedical Imaging 2 (12), pp. 784 - 807 (2024)
Journal Article
Zhao, H.; Muñoz-Mármol, R.; Moshniaha, L.; Yang, Q.; Bonn, M.; Liu, X.; Kabe, R.; Paternò, G. M.; Narita, A.: Acid-induced fluorescence enhancement of piperazinylphenyl-substituted nanographene. Chemical Communications 60 (98), pp. 14645 - 14648 (2024)
Journal Article
Renzer, G.; Eufemio, R. J.; Schwidetzky, R.; Fröhlich-Nowoisky, J.; Bonn, M.; Meister, K.: Polyol-Induced 100-Fold Enhancement of Bacterial Ice Nucleation Efficiency. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 128 (50), pp. 21604 - 21608 (2024)
Journal Article
Caporaletti, F.; Gunkel, L.; Fernández-Ibáñez, M. Á.; Hunger, J.; Woutersen, S.: Fast Collective Hydrogen‐Bond Dynamics in Hexafluoroisopropanol Related to its Chemical Activity. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 63 (52), e202416091 (2024)
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