Publications of Yoshikazu Ito

Journal Article (9)

Journal Article
Ito, Y.; Habata, Y.; Kuramochi, H.; Kusuda, E.; Hu, K.; Masuda , H.; Fujita, J.; Nagata, Y.; Watanabe, M. M.; Isdepsky, A.: Damage-Free Solar Dewatering of Micro-Algal Concentrates via Multifunctional Hierarchical Porous Graphene. Advanced Sustainable Systems 3 (9), 1900045 (2019)
Journal Article
Kumatani, A.; Miura, C.; Kuramochi, H.; Ohto, T.; Wakisaka, M.; Nagata, Y.; Ida, H.; Takahashi, Y.; Hu, K.; Jeong, S. et al.: Chemical Dopants on Edge of Holey Graphene Accelerate Electrochemical Hydrogen Evolution Reaction. Advanced Science 6 (10), 1900119 (2019)
Journal Article
Hu, K. L.; Ohto, T.; Chen, L. H.; Han, J. H.; Wakisaka, M.; Nagata, Y.; Fujita, J.; Ito, Y.: Graphene Layer Encapsulation of Non-Noble Metal Nanoparticles as Acid-Stable Hydrogen Evolution Catalysts. ACS Energy Letters 3 (7), pp. 1539 - 1544 (2018)
Journal Article
Ito, Y.; Ohto, T.; Hojo, D.; Wakisaka, M.; Nagata, Y.; Chen, L. H.; Hu, K. L.; Izumi, M.; Fujita, J.; Adschiri, T.: Cooperation between holey graphene and NiMo alloy for hydrogen evolution in an acidic electrolyte. ACS Catalysis 8 (4), pp. 3579 - 3586 (2018)
Journal Article
Ito, Y.; Christodoulou, C.; Nardi, M. V.; Koch, N.; Kläui, M.; Sachdev, H.; Müllen, K.: Tuning the Magnetic Properties of Carbon by Nitrogen Doping of Its Graphene Domains. Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (24), pp. 7678 - 7685 (2015)
Journal Article
Ito, Y.; Christodoulou, C.; Nardi, M. V.; Koch, N.; Sachdev, H.; Müllen, K.: Chemical Vapor Deposition of N-Doped Graphene and Carbon Films: The Role of Precursors and Gas Phase. ACS Nano 8 (4), pp. 3337 - 3346 (2014)
Journal Article
Ravat, P.; Borozdina, Y.; Ito, Y.; Enkelmann, V.; Baumgarten, M.: Crystal Engineering of Tolane Bridged Nitronyl Nitroxide Biradicals: Candidates for Quantum Magnets. Crystal Growth & Design 14 (11), pp. 5840 - 5846 (2014)
Journal Article
Ravat, P.; Teki, Y.; Ito, Y.; Gorelik, E.; Baumgarten, M.: Breaking the Semi-Quinoid Structure: Spin-Switching from Strongly Coupled Singlet to Polarized Triplet State. Chemistry - A European Journal 20 (38), pp. 12041 - 12045 (2014)
Journal Article
Ravat, P.; Ito, Y.; Gorelik, E.; Enkelmann, E.; Baumgarten, M.: Tetramethoxypyrene-Based Biradical Donors with Tunable Physical and Magnetic Properties. Organic Letters 15 (17), pp. 4280 - 4283 (2013)