Misfolding of IDPs into amyloid fibrils: From mechanism studies to inhibitor development
- Datum: 27.10.2020
- Uhrzeit: 14:00 - 15:00
- Vortragende(r): Dr. Volodymyr Shvadchak
- IOCB Prague
- Ort: Digital see link
- Gastgeber: Oleksandra Kukharenko
- Kontakt: kukharenko@mpip-mainz.mpg.de

Amyloid fibrils are well-ordered supramolecular
polymers consisting of thousands of protein molecules connected
via intermolecular hydrogen bonds. For intrinsically disordered
proteins (IDP), amyloid form is thermodynamically more stable than
the native form, and its formation in human body can lead to
pathology. Namely, misfolding of small intrinsically disordered
neuronal protein α-synuiclein is a hallmark of Parkinson's
disease. The fibrillization is an autocatalytic process that can
be induced by small amounts of pathological fibrils in a
prion-like manner. We studied detailed kinetic mechanism of the
α-synuiclein fibrillization and have shown that atypical sigmoidal
reaction kinetics and exponential distribution of the length of
formed fibrils are the results of a two-step autocatalytic cycle
that includes fibril elongation via binding monomers to the ends
and formation of new fibril ends due to fibril breaking [1]. This
allowed us to identify the fibril ends as the bottleneck of the
process and thus the most prospective target for fibrillization
inhibitors. We designed several proteins and peptides that
selectively bind to the fibril ends and block their growth by
creating a steric hindrance [2,3]. This approach permits
inhibition of fibril formation at inhibitor concentrations orders
of magnitude lower than the concentration of monomeric
α-synuclein. In my talk, I will focus mostly on the application of
mathematical models for determination of the reaction mechanism
based on kinetic data and on design of experiments for refining
the models and proving the mechanism.
[1] Shvadchak, V. V.; Claessens, M. M.; Subramaniam, V. (2015).
Fibril breaking accelerates α-synuclein fibrillization. 2015, 119
(5), 1912-8.
[2] Shvadchak, V. V.; Afitska, K.; Yushchenko, D. A., Inhibition
of α-synuclein amyloid fibril elongation by blocking fibril ends.
Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2018, 57 (20), 5690-5694.
[3] Kyriukha, Y. A.; Afitska, K.; Kurochka, A. S.; Sachan, S.;
Galkin, M.; Yushchenko, D. A.; Shvadchak, V. V., α-Synuclein
dimers as potent inhibitors of fibrillization. J Med Chem 2019, 62
(22), 10342-10351