Zeitschriftenartikel (62)
117 (22), S. 3207 - 3216 (2019)
Structural differences between unannealed and expanded high-density amorphous ice based on isotope substitution neutron diffraction. Molecular Physics 22.
377 (2146), 20180164 (2019)
X-ray studies of the transformation from high- to low-density amorphous water. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 23.
117 (22), S. 3232 - 3240 (2019)
Temperature dependent anomalous fluctuations in water: shift of approximate to 1 kbar between experiment and classical force field simulations. Molecular Physics 24.
21 (1), S. 26 - 31 (2019)
Apparent power-law behavior of water's isothermal compressibility and correlation length upon supercooling. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25.
122 (30), S. 7616 - 7624 (2018)
X-ray Scattering and O-O Pair-Distribution Functions of Amorphous Ices. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 26.
360 (6390, Special Issue), eaat1729 (2018)
Response to Comment on "Maxima in the thermodynamic response and correlation functions of deeply supercooled water". Science 27.
9, 1917 (2018)
Coherent X-rays reveal the influence of cage effects on ultrafast water dynamics. Nature Communications 28.
20 (9), S. 6401 - 6408 (2018)
Calorimetric study of water's two glass transitions in the presence of LiCl. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 29.
114 (31), S. 8193 - 8198 (2017)
Diffusive dynamics during the high-to-low density transition in amorphous ice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 30.
358 (6370), S. 1589 - 1593 (2017)
Maxima in the thermodynamic response and correlation functions of deeply supercooled water. Science 31.
147 (3), 034506 (2017)
Relaxation dynamics and transformation kinetics of deeply supercooled water: Temperature, pressure, doping, and proton/deuteron isotope effects. The Journal of Chemical Physics 32.
116 (13), S. 7570 - 7589 (2016)
X-ray and Neutron Scattering of Water. Chemical Reviews 33.
88 (1), 011002 (2016)
Colloquium: Water's controversial glass transitions. Reviews of Modern Physics 34.
116 (13), S. 7463 - 7500 (2016)
Water: A Tale of Two Liquids. Chemical Reviews 35.
6 (14), S. 2826 - 2832 (2015)
Anomalous Behavior of the Homogeneous Ice Nucleation Rate in "No-Man’s Land". The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 36.
407, S. 423 - 430 (2015)
The glass transition in high-density amorphous ice. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 37.
617, S. 200 - 207 (2015)
Experimental evidence for two distinct deeply supercooled liquid states of water - Response to "Comment on 'Waters second glass transition"', by G.P. Johari. Thermochimica Acta 38.
111 (49), S. 17402 - 17407 (2014)
Anomalously large isotope effect in the glass transition of water. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 39.
110 (44), S. 17720 - 17725 (2013)
Water’s second glass transition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 40.
15, S. 576 - 580 (2013)
Limits of metastability in amorphous ices: 2H-NMR relaxation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics