Postdoc Position in: Synthesis of New Biopolymer-Inks for Next Gen 3D-Bioprinting (Collaborative Project with Industry)

Job Offer from May 27, 2024

The group of Dr. Jasmina Gačanin – Cell-Instructive Materials (Department for Synthesis of Macromolecules led by director Prof. Dr. Tanja Weil, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz) is looking for a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher (according to TVöD E13 100%, up to 2 years) to strengthen the research in the field of self-healing hydrogels as printable bioinks. We are currently looking for a talented postdoc with an excellent academic record, strong expertise and interest in (macromolecular) chemistry including chemical synthesis, and modification of biopolymers, preferably with experience in biopolymers, supramolecular chemistry, and hydrogels. The position start earliest July 1st.

The BMBF-funded project is conducted with project partners from NMI Reutlingen and TU Darmstadt, and benefits from strong interactions with industrial partners.


The fundamental research addresses compatibility of material printability and cell viability by synthesis of novel hydrogel inks, with the aim to enable rapid transition to applications. Following nature's example, where structures are found that adapt dynamically to their environment in an optimal way, we wish to develop dynamic, self-healing biomaterial-inks. Within this research project, the successful candidate will be in charge of developing novel biopolymeric structures with strong emphasis on synthesis and (3D) material characterization.


For this position, we seek enthusiastic candidates with a PhD degree in Chemistry or similar. Applicants should have a strong background in synthetic chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, and preferably biomaterials. Good language skills in English (written and spoken) are required. Eagerness to contribute to teamwork proactively is highly valued, along with a friendly and positive personality that fosters a supportive and inclusive work environment.

The MPI for Polymer Research is one of the leading international research centers in the field of polymer science and offers ideal conditions for excellent research: from the creative design of new materials, to their synthesis in the laboratory, to their physical characterization, and finally the theoretical understanding of polymer properties, it brings together all the necessary expertise. Employees also have the benefit of soft skills training that is offered.

The Max Planck Society is committed to employing more individuals with disabilities, and especially encourages them to apply. The Society seeks to increase the number of women in areas where they are underrepresented, and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply.

Interested candidates should submit the following via email with subject line “Heal-X Postdoc” as a single PDF to

  1. A letter of motivation (1 page max.),
  2. Curriculum vitae including a list of publications and a transcript of your degrees.
  3. 2 potential references.
  4. List of scientific skills - brief summary of previous research projects (1 page max.)

Review of applications starts June 3rd 2024 and will continue until the position has been filled. We regret that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews. 

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