Publications of Iain Harley
All genres
Journal Article (10)
Journal Article
188, 103745 (2025)
Practical considerations for plunge freezing samples over 40 °C for Cryo-EM. Micron 2.
Journal Article
63 (51), e202412477 (2024)
Chaperone-Derived Copper(I)-Binding Peptide Nanofibers Disrupt Copper Homeostasis in Cancer Cells. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 3.
Journal Article
136 (51), e202412477 (2024)
Chaperon-Abgeleitete Kupfer(I)-Bindende Peptidnanofibrillen stören die Kupferhomöostase in Krebszellen. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 4.
Journal Article
36 (29), 2401137 (2024)
Ion and Molecular Sieving With Ultrathin Polydopamine Nanomembranes. Advanced Materials 5.
Journal Article
146 (17), pp. 11991 - 11999 (2024)
Supramolecular Assembly in Live Cells Mapped by Real-Time Phasor-Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging. Journal of the American Chemical Society 6.
Journal Article
19 (46), 2303384 (2023)
An Outer Membrane‐Inspired Polymer Coating Protects and Endows Escherichia coli with Novel Functionalities. Small 7.
Journal Article
2, 1646, pp. 980 - 988 (2023)
Supramolecular assembly guided by photolytic redox cycling. Nature Synthesis 8.
Journal Article
158, pp. 463 - 474 (2023)
Systematic modulation of the lipid composition enables the tuning of liposome cellular uptake. Acta Biomaterialia 9.
Journal Article
15 (6), pp. 2561 - 2566 (2023)
Assembly of biomimetic microreactors using caged-coacervate droplets. Nanoscale 10.
Journal Article
61 (39), e202207998 (2022)
Membrane Manipulation of Giant Unilamellar Polymer Vesicles with a Temperature‐Responsive Polymer. Angewandte Chemie International Edition