Publications | Makromolecular Therapeutics Group Prof. Dr. Lutz Nuhn

Publications of Bartlomiej Graczykowski

Journal Article (32)

Journal Article
Varghese, J.; Babacic, V.; Pochylski, M.; Gapinski, J.; Butt, H.-J.; Fytas, G.; Graczykowski, B.: Surface Engineering of Polymeric Colloidal Crystals by Temperature – Pressure Annealing. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 45 (24), 2400668 (2024)
Journal Article
Vasileiadis, T.; Schöttle, M.; Theis, M.; Retsch, M.; Fytas, G.; Graczykowski, B.: Elasticity Mapping of Colloidal Glasses Reveals the Interplay between Mesoscopic Order and Granular Mechanics. Small Methods, 2400855 (2024)
Journal Article
Krysztofik, A.; Pula, P.; Pochylski, M.; Zaleski, K.; Gapinski, J.; Majewski, P.; Graczykowski, B.: Fast Photoactuation and Environmental Response of Humidity-Sensitive pDAP-Silicon Nanocantilevers. Advanced Materials 36 (31), 2403114 (2024)
Journal Article
Białek, R.; Vasileiadis, T.; Pochylski, M.; Graczykowski, B.: Fano meets Stokes: Four-order-of-magnitude enhancement of asymmetric Brillouin light scattering spectra. Photoacoustics 30, 100478 (2023)
Journal Article
Varghese, J.; Mohammadi, R.; Pochylski, M.; Babacic, V.; Gapinski, J.; Vogel, N.; Butt, H.-J.; Fytas, G.; Graczykowski, B.: Size-dependent nanoscale soldering of polystyrene colloidal crystals by supercritical fluids. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 633, pp. 314 - 322 (2023)
Journal Article
Vasileiadis, T.; Noual,  .; Wang,  .; Graczykowski, B.; Djafari-Rouhani,  .; Yang,  .; Fytas, G.: Optomechanical Hot-Spots in Metallic Nanorod-Polymer Nanocomposites. ACS Nano 16 (12), pp. 20419 - 20429 (2022)
Journal Article
Cang, Y.; Liu, J.; Ryu, M.; Graczykowski, B.; Morikawa, J.; Yang, S.; Fytas, G.: On the origin of elasticity and heat conduction anisotropy of liquid crystal elastomers at gigahertz frequencies. Nature Communications 13 (1), 5248 (2022)
Journal Article
Cang, Y.; Sainidou, R.; Rembert, P.; Magnabosco, G.; Still, T.; Vogel, N.; Graczykowski, B.; Fytas, G.: Origin of the Acoustic Bandgaps in Hypersonic Colloidal Phononics: The Role of the Elastic Impedance. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 126 (34), pp. 6575 - 6584 (2022)
Journal Article
Vasileiadis, T.; Reparaz, J. S.; Graczykowski, B.: Phonon transport in the gigahertz to terahertz range: Confinement, topology, and second sound. Journal of Applied Physics 131 (18), 180901, p. 180901 (2022)
Journal Article
Vasileiadis, T.; Marchesi D'Alvise, T.; Saak, C.-M.; Pochylski, M.; Harvey, S.; Synatschke, C. V.; Gapinski, J.; Fytas, G.; Backus, E. H. G.; Weil, T. et al.; Graczykowski, B.: Fast Light-Driven Motion of Polydopamine Nanomembranes. Nano Letters 22 (2), pp. 578 - 585 (2022)
Journal Article
Zajaczkowska, H.; Veith, L.; Waliszewski, W.; Bartkiewicz, M.; Borkowski, M.; Sleczkowski, P.; Ulanski, J.; Graczykowski, B.; Blom, P. W. M.; Pisula, W. et al.; Marszalek, T.: Self-Aligned Bilayers for Flexible Free-Standing Organic Field-Effect Transistors. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 13 (49), pp. 59012 - 59022 (2021)
Journal Article
Randazzo, K.; Bartkiewicz, M.; Graczykowski, B.; Cangialosi, D.; Fytas, G.; Zuo, B.; Priestley, R. D.: Direct Visualization and Characterization of Interfacially Adsorbed Polymer atop Nanoparticles and within Nanocomposites. Macromolecules 54 (21), pp. 10224 - 10234 (2021)
Journal Article
Coy, E.; Babacic, V.; Yate, L.; Zaleski, K.; Kim , Y.; Reparaz, J. S.; Dorling, B.; Graczykowski, B.; Iatsunskyi, I.; Siuzdak, K.: Study of nanostructured ultra-refractory Tantalum-Hafnium-Carbide electrodes with wide electrochemical stability window. Chemical Engineering Journal 415, 128987 (2021)
Journal Article
Babacic, V.; Reig, D. S.; Varghese, S.; Vasileiadis, T.; Coy, E.; Tielrooij, K.-J.; Graczykowski, B.: Thickness-Dependent Elastic Softening of Few-Layer Free-Standing MoSe2. Advanced Materials 33 (23), 2008614 (2021)
Journal Article
Navarro-Urrios, D.; Kang, E.; Xiao, P.; Colombano, M. F.; Arregui, G. R.; Graczykowski, B.; Capuj, N. E.; Sledzinska, M.; Sotomayor Torres, C. M.; Fytas, G.: Optomechanical crystals for spatial sensing of submicron sized particles. Scientific Reports 11 (1), 7829 (2021)
Journal Article
Wang, J.; Kang, E.; Sultan, U.; Merle, B.; Inayat, A.; Graczykowski, B.; Fytas, G.; Vogel, N.: Influence of Surfactant-Mediated Interparticle Contacts on the Mechanical Stability of Supraparticles. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 (42), pp. 23445 - 23456 (2021)
Journal Article
Vasileiadis, T.; Zhang, H.; Wang, H. I.; Bonn, M.; Fytas, G.; Graczykowski, B.: Frequency-domain study of nonthermal gigahertz phonons reveals Fano coupling to charge carriers. Science Advances 6 (51), eabd4540 (2020)
Journal Article
Kasprzaka, M.; Sledzinska, M.; Zaleski, K.; Iatsunskyi, I.; Alzina, F.; Volz, S.; Torres, C. M.S.; Graczykowski, B.: High-temperature silicon thermal diode and switch. Nano Energy 78, 105261 (2020)
Journal Article
Babacic, V.; Varghese, J.; Coy, E.; Kang, E.; Pochylski, M.; Gapinski, J.; Fytas, G.; Graczykowski, B.: Mechanical reinforcement of polymer colloidal crystals by supercritical fluids. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 579, pp. 786 - 793 (2020)
Journal Article
Marchesi D'Alvise, T.; Harvey, S.; Hueske, L.; Szelwicka, J.; Veith, L.; Knowles, T. P. J.; Kubiczek, D.; Flaig, C.; Port, F.; Gottschalk, K.-E. et al.; Rosenau, F.; Graczykowski, B.; Fytas, G.; Ruggeri, F. S.; Wunderlich, K.; Weil, T.: Ultrathin Polydopamine Films with Phospholipid Nanodiscs Containing a Glycophorin A Domain. Advanced Functional Materials 30 (21), 2000378 (2020)
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