Publications of Ulrike Kraft

Journal Article (15)

Journal Article
Mooney, M.; Pandolfi, L.; Wang, Y.; Zhu, C.; Garg, G.; Kraft, U.; Gu, X.; Rondeau-Gagné, S.: Improving Charge Transport and Environmental Stability of Carbohydrate-Bearing Semiconducting Polymers in Organic Field-Effect Transistors. Advanced Electronic Materials, 2400537 (2024)
Journal Article
Gebel, S.; Aiboudi, O.; Grigorescu, V.; Ling, Z.; Marszalek, T.; Blom, P. W. M.; Ramanan, C.; Lissel, F.; Kraft, U.: Reversible Switching of Light-Gated Organic Transistors Employing Dihydroazulene/Vinylheptafulvene Photo-/Thermochromic Molecules. Advanced Electronic Materials, 2400455 (2024)
Journal Article
Colucci, R.; Koutsouras, D. A.; Morsbach, S.; Gkoupidenis, P.; Blom, P. W. M.; Kraft, U.: Organic Electrochemical Transistor-Based Immunosensors for SARS-CoV-2 Detection. ACS Applied Electronic Materials 6 (4), pp. 2739 - 2748 (2024)
Journal Article
Volkert, C.; Colucci, R.; Berger, R.; Besenius, P.; Blom, P. W. M.; Kraft, U.: Transfer-printing of patterned PEDOT:PSS structures for bendable, stretchable and biodegradable electronics. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 12 (11), pp. 3865 - 3872 (2024)
Journal Article
Simatos, D.; Jacobs, I. E.; Dobryden, I.; Nguyen, M.; Savva, A.; Venkateshvaran, D.; Nikolka, M.; Charmet, J.; Spalek, L. J.; Gicevičius, M. et al.; Zhang, Y.; Schweicher, G.; Howe, D. J.; Ursel, S.; Armitage, J.; Dimov, I. B.; Kraft, U.; Zhang, W.; Alsufyani, M.; McCulloch, I.; Owens, R. M.; Claesson, P. M.; Knowles, T. P. J.; Sirringhaus, H.: Effects of Processing-Induced Contamination on Organic Electronic Devices. Small Methods 7 (11), 2300476 (2023)
Journal Article
Nguyen, M.; Kraft, U.; Tan, W. L.; Dobryden, I.; Broch, K.; Zhang, W.; Un, H.; Simatos, D.; Venkateshavaran, D.; McCulloch, I. et al.; Claesson, P. M.; McNeill, C. R.; Sirringhaus, H.: Improving OFF‐State Bias‐Stress Stability in High‐Mobility Conjugated Polymer Transistors with an Antisolvent Treatment. Advanced Materials 35 (16), 2205377 (2023)
Journal Article
Borca, B.; Michnowicz, T.; Aguilar-Galindo, F.; Pétuya, R.; Pristl, M.; Schendel, V.; Pentegov, I.; Kraft, U.; Klauk, H.; Wahl, P. et al.; Arnau, A.; Schlickum, U.: Chiral and Catalytic Effects of Site-Specific Molecular Adsorption. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, pp. 2072 - 2077 (2023)
Journal Article
Kraft, U.; Nikolka, M.; Wang, G. N.; Kim, Y.; Pfattner, R.; Alsufyani, M.; McCulloch, I.; Murmann, B.; Bao, Z.: Low-voltage polymer transistors on hydrophobic dielectrics and surfaces. Journal of Physics: Materials 6 (2), 025001 (2023)
Journal Article
Simatos, D.; Spalek, L. J.; Kraft, U.; Nikolka, M.; Jiao, X.; McNeill, C. R.; Venkateshvaran, D.; Sirringhaus, H.: The effect of the dielectric end groups on the positive bias stress stability of N2200 organic field effect transistors. APL Materials 9 (4), 041113 (2021)
Journal Article
Kraft, U.; Molina-Lopez, F.; Son, D.; Bao, Z.; Murmann, B.: Ink Development and Printing of Conducting Polymers for Intrinsically Stretchable Interconnects and Circuits. Advanced Electronic Materials 6 (1), 1900681 (2020)
Journal Article
Molina-Lopez, F.; Gao, T.Z.; Kraft, U.; Zhu, C.; Öhlund, T.; Pfattner, R.; Feig, V.R.; Kim, Y.; Wang, S.; Yun, Y. et al.; Bao, Z.: Inkjet-printed stretchable and low voltage synaptic transistor array. Nature Communications 10, 2676 (2019)
Journal Article
Kraft, U.; Zaki, T.; Letzkus, F.; Burghartz, J. N.; Weber, E.; Murmann, B.; Klauk, H.: Low-Voltage, High-Frequency Organic Transistors and Unipolar and Complementary Ring Oscillators on Paper. Advanced Electronic Materials 5 (2), 1800453 (2019)
Journal Article
Son, D.; Kang, J.; Vardoulis, O.; Kim, Y.; Matsuhisa, N.; Oh, J. Y.; To, J. W.; Mun, J.; Katsumata, T.; Liu, Y. et al.; McGuire, A. F.; Krason, M.; Molina-Lopez, F.; Ham, J.; Kraft, U.; Lee, Y.; Yun, Y.; Tok, J. B.-H.; Bao, Z.: An integrated self-healable electronic skin system fabricated via dynamic reconstruction of a nanostructured conducting network. Nature Nanotechnology 13 (11), pp. 1057 - 1065 (2018)
Journal Article
Kraft, U.; Anthony, J. E.; Ripaud, E.; Loth, M. A.; Weber, E.; Klauk, H.: Low-Voltage Organic Transistors Based on Tetraceno[2,3-b]Mthiophene: Contact Resistance and Air Stability. Chemistry of Materials 27 (3), pp. 998 - 1004 (2015)
Journal Article
Kraft, U.; Sejfić, M.; Kang, M. J.; Takimiya, K.; Zaki, T.; Letzkus, F.; Burghartz, J. N.; Weber, E.; Klauk, H.: Flexible Low-Voltage Organic Complementary Circuits: Finding the Optimum Combination of Semiconductors and Monolayer Gate Dielectrics. Advanced Materials 27 (2), pp. 207 - 214 (2015)
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