Publications of Rong Li
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Journal Article (5)
Journal Article
Magnetically recyclable polymer photocatalytic materials for sustainable photocatalysis. Polymer International (2025)
Journal Article
62 (17), e202217652 (2023)
pH-Triggered Recovery of Organic Polymer Photocatalytic Particles for the Production of High Value Compounds and Enhanced Recyclability. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 3.
Journal Article
135 (17), e202217652 (2023)
pH-getriggerte Rückgewinnung von photokatalytischen Partikeln aus organischen Polymeren zur Herstellung hochwertiger Verbindungen und verbesserter Recyclingfähigkeit. Angewandte Chemie 4.
Journal Article
15 (2), pp. 2891 - 2900 (2023)
Tunable Photocatalytic Selectivity by Altering the Active Center Microenvironment of an Organic Polymer Photocatalyst. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 5.
Journal Article
61 (51), e202211132 (2022)
Temperature- and pH-Responsive Polymeric Photocatalysts for Enhanced Control and Recovery. Angewandte Chemie International Edition