Publications of Paul Schlett
All genres
Journal Article (3)
Journal Article
: Extracellular electrical recording of pH-triggered bursts in C6 glioma cell populations. Science Advances 2 (12), e1600516 (2016)
Journal Article
6, 34843 (2016)
Electrochemical noise and impedance of Au electrode/electrolyte interfaces enabling extracellular detection of glioma cell populations. Scientific Reports 3.
Journal Article
3 (25), pp. 5035 - 5039 (2015)
Low frequency electric current noise in glioma cell populations. Journal of Materials Chemistry B Thesis - Master (1)
Thesis - Master
Understanding cells communication: low frequency electric current measurements of cell populations. Master, Hochschule Rhein Main, Wiesbaden / Rüsselsheim (2015)