Publications of T. Weil
All genres
Journal Article (244)
Journal Article
40, pp. 4011 - 4015 (2001)
Polyphenylene Dendrimers as Sensitive and Selective Sensor Layers. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 242.
Journal Article
123, pp. 946 - 953 (2001)
Polyfluorenes with Polyphenylene Dendron Sidechains: Towards Non-Aggregating, Light-Emitting Polymers. Journal of the American Chemical Society 243.
Journal Article
40 (24), pp. 4643 - 4648 (2001)
Influence of structural and rotational isomerism on the triplet blinking of individual dendrimer molecules. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 244.
Journal Article
123, pp. 8101 - 8108 (2001)
Polyphenylene Dendrimers with Different Fluorescent Chromophores Asymmetrically Distributed at the Periphery. Journal of the American Chemical Society Book Chapter (4)
Book Chapter
Functional Protein–(Bio)Polymer Assemblies. In: Supramolecular Protein Chemistry: Assembly, Architecture and Application, pp. 258 - 306 (Ed. Crowley, P. B.). Royal Society of Chemistry, London (2021)
Book Chapter
2019, pp. 19 - 21. Max Planck Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V., München (2020)
Helping damaged nerves to re-grow. In: Highlights 2019 from the yearbook of the Max Planck Society, Vol. 247.
Book Chapter
Polymer Complexes in Biological Applications. In: From Single Molecules to Nanoscopically Structured Materials, pp. 211 - 235 (Eds. Basche, T.; Müllen, K.; Schmidt, M.). Springer International Publishing (2014)
Book Chapter
Nanosized Polyphenylene Dendrimers. In: Dendrimers III: Design, Dimension, Function, pp. 1 - 40. Springer, Berlin [et al.] (2001)
Meeting Abstract (17)
Meeting Abstract
30, ID: 161-P1. 37th European Peptide Symposium, 14th International Peptide Symposium, Florence, Italy, August 24, 2024 - August 29, 2024. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, West Sussex, UK (2024)
Dual-locked macrocyclic "turn-on" drug for selective and traceless release in cancer cells. In Journal of Peptide Science, 250.
Meeting Abstract
397 (S1), P192, p. S64 - S64. 9th German Pharm-Tox Summit 2024, Munich, Germany, March 13, 2024 - March 15, 2024. Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, Heidelberg (2024)
Multifunctional peptide nanocarrier for targeted reduction of breast cancer metastasis in bone and osteolysis. In Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archives of Pharmacology, 251.
Meeting Abstract
396 S1 Ed., P164. 8th German Pharm-Tox Summit 2023, Ulm, March 06, 2023 - March 09, 2023. Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, Heidelberg (2023)
Multifunctional peptide nanocarrier for targeted pharmacological modulation of metastatic breast cancer cell proliferation and osteolysis in the bone microenvironment. In Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archives of Pharmacology, 252.
Meeting Abstract
28, P109, p. 125 - 125. 36th European Peptide Symposium 12th International Peptide Symposium, Sitges, Barcelona, August 28, 2022 - September 02, 2022. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, West Sussex, UK (2022)
Characterization and modification of a peptide mimic of an HIV-1 antibody. In Journal of Peptide Science, 253.
Meeting Abstract
28, P181, pp. 156 - 157. 36th European Peptide Symposium 12th International Peptide Symposium, Sitges, Barcelona, August 28, 2022 - September 02, 2022. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, West Sussex, UK (2022)
Controlling Cell-Material Interactions through Responsive Peptide Nanostructures. In Journal of Peptide Science, 254.
Meeting Abstract
28, Meeting Abstract 2306, pp. S653 - S654. Mary Ann Liebert, New Rochelle, NY (2022)
Meeting Abstract
62 (Supplement 1), 1246. Society of Nuclear Medicine, New York (2021)
Evaluation of the HET-CAM model for biodistribution studies of nanoparticles using PET and MR imaging. In Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 256.
Meeting Abstract
47 (SI), EP-280, pp. S645 - S646. 33rd Annual Congress of the European-Association-of-Nuclear-Medicine (EANM), ELECTR NETWORK, October 22, 2020 - October 30, 2020. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (2020)
Multi-modal PET and MRI biodistribution studies of Zr-89-labelled nanodiamonds in mice. In European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 257.
Meeting Abstract
61, 1085. SNMMI Annual Meeting, ELECTR NETWORK, July 11, 2020 - July 14, 2020. Society of Nuclear Medicine, New York (2020)
Biodistribution studies of Zr-89-labeled nanodiamonds in mice using PET and MRI. In Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 258.
Meeting Abstract
47 (SI), EP-257, pp. S633 - S634. 33rd Annual Congress of the European-Association-of-Nuclear-Medicine (EANM), ELECTR NETWORK, October 22, 2020 - October 30, 2020. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany (2020)
PET and MR imaging for in ovo evaluation of nanoparticle biodistribution. In European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 259.
Meeting Abstract
257, 459. National Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS), Orlando, FL, March 31, 2019 - April 04, 2019. (2019)
Biotemplated polymer synthesis: Controlling polymer structures for biomedical applications. In Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 260.
Meeting Abstract
257, 227. National Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS), Orlando, FL, March 31, 2019 - April 04, 2019. (2019)
Peptide-polymer nanostructures and hydrogels to control cellular growth. In Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society,