Scientific Publications

Journal Article (294)

Journal Article
Chiang, K.-Y.; Yu, X.; Yu, C.-C.; Seki, T.; Sun, S.; Bonn, M.; Nagata, Y.: Bulklike Vibrational Coupling of Surface Water Revealed by Sum-Frequency Generation Spectroscopy. Physical Review Letters 131 (25), 256202 (2023)
Journal Article
Li, H.; Ladd-Parada, M.; Karina, A.; Dallari, F.; Reiser, M.; Perakis, F.; Striker, N. N.; Sprung, M.; Westermeier, F.; Grübel, G. et al.; Steffen, W.; Lehmkühler, F.; Amann-Winkel, K.: Intrinsic Dynamics of Amorphous Ice Revealed by a Heterodyne Signal in X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy Experiments. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14 (49), pp. 10999 - 11007 (2023)
Journal Article
Prasoon, A.; Yu, X.; Hambsch, M.; Bodesheim, D.; Liu, K.; Zacarias, A.; Nguyen, N. N.; Seki, T.; Dianat, A.; Croy, A. et al.; Cuniberti, G.; Fontaine, P.; Nagata, Y.; Mannsfeld, S. C. B.; Dong, R.; Bonn, M.; Feng, X.: Site-selective chemical reactions by on-water surface sequential assembly. Nature Communications 14 (1), 8313 (2023)
Journal Article
Li, Y.; van der Zee, B.; Tan, X.; Zhou, X.; Wetzelaer, G.-J. A. H.; Blom, P. W. M.: Enhanced Operational Stability by Cavity Control of Single‐Layer Organic Light‐Emitting Diodes Based on Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence. Advanced Materials 35 (49), 2304728 (2023)
Journal Article
Teunissen, J. L.; Braeckevelt, T.; Skvortsova, I.; Guo, J.; Pradhan, B.; Debroye, E.; Roeffaers, M. B. J.; Hofkens, J.; Aert, S. V.; Bals, S. et al.; Rogge, S. M. J.; Speybroeck, V. V.: Additivity of Atomic Strain Fields as a Tool to Strain-Engineering Phase-Stabilized CsPbI3 Perovskites. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 127 (48), pp. 23400 - 23411 (2023)
Journal Article
Wu, Z.-H.; Peng, M.; Ji, C.; Kardasis, P.; Tzourtzouklis, I.; Baumgarten, M.; Wu, H.; Basché, T.; Floudas, G.; Yin, Mei, M. et al.; Müllen, K.: A Terrylene-Anthraquinone Dyad as a Chromophore for Photothermal Therapy in the NIR-II Window. Journal of the American Chemical Society 145 (148), pp. 26487 - 26493 (2023)
Journal Article
Kretschmer, V.; Schneider, S.; Matthiessen, P. A.; Reichert, D.; Hotaling, N.; Glasser, G.; Lieberwirth, I.; Bharti, K.; Cegli, R. D.; Conte, I. et al.; Nandrot, E. F.; May-Simera, H. L.: Deletion of IFT20 exclusively in the RPE ablates primary cilia and leads to retinal degeneration. PLoS Biology 21 (12), e3002402 (2023)
Journal Article
Chen, Q.; Giovannantonio, M. D.; Eimre, K.; Urgel, J. I.; Ruffieux, P.; Pignedoli, C. A.; Müllen, K.; Fasel, R.; Narita, A.: On-Surface Interchain Coupling and Skeletal Rearrangement of Indenofluorene Polymers. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 224 (24), 2300345 (2023)
Journal Article
da Costa Marques, R.; Hüppe, N.; Speth, K. R.; Oberländer, J.; Lieberwirth, I.; Landfester, K.; Mailänder, V.: Proteomics reveals time-dependent protein corona changes in the intracellular pathway. Acta Biomaterialia 172, pp. 355 - 368 (2023)
Journal Article
Ghosh, R.; Baut, A.; Belleri, G.; Kappl, M.; Butt, H.-J.; Schutzius, T. M.: Photocatalytically reactive surfaces for simultaneous water harvesting and treatment. Nature Sustainability 6, pp. 1663 - 1672 (2023)
Journal Article
Li, X.; Ratschow, A. D.; Hardt, S.; Butt, H.-J.: Surface Charge Deposition by Moving Drops Reduces Contact Angles. Physical Review Letters 131 (22), 228201 (2023)
Journal Article
Baptista, L. A.; Sevilla, M.; Wagner, M.; Kremer, K.; Cortes Huerto, R.: Chilling alcohol on the computer: isothermal compressibility and the formation of hydrogen-bond clusters in liquid propan-1-ol. European Physical Journal E 46 (11), 117 (2023)
Journal Article
Zhugayevych, A.; Sun, W.; van der Heide, T.; Lien-Medrano, C. R.; Frauenheim, T.; Tretiak, S.: Benchmark Data Set of Crystalline Organic Semiconductors. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 19 (22), pp. 8481 - 8490 (2023)
Journal Article
Kinikar, A.; Xu, X.; Giovannantonio, M. D.; Gröning, O.; Eimre, K.; Pignedoli, C. A.; Müllen, K.; Narita, A.; Ruffieux, P.; Fasel, R.: On‐Surface Synthesis of Edge‐Extended Zigzag Graphene Nanoribbons. Advanced Materials 35 (48), 2306311 (2023)
Journal Article
Despot, L.; Hinduja, C.; Lehn, R.; Mikolei, J.; Richter, T.; Köbschall, K.; Stanzel, M.; Berger, R.; Hussong, J.; Ceolin, M. et al.; Andrieu-Brunsen, A.: Molecular transport and water condensation inside mesopores with wettability step gradients. Nanoscale Advances 5 (22), pp. 6123 - 6134 (2023)
Journal Article
Hüppe, N.; Gleede, T.; Wurm, F.: Superbase-enabled anionic polymerization of poly(alkyl cyanoacrylate)s: achieving well-defined structures and controlled molar masses. Polymer International 72 (12), pp. 1079 - 1083 (2023)
Journal Article
Scherger, M.; Pilger, Y. A.; Stickdorn, J.; Komforth, P.; Schmitt, S.; Arnouk, S. M.; Lebegge, E.; Koynov, K.; Räder, H. J.; Van Ginderachter, J. A. et al.; Nuhn, L.: Self‐Immolative Nanobody‐Cysteine Residue Modification for Controlled Immunodrug Delivery. Advanced Therapeutics 6 (11), 2300076 (2023)
Journal Article
Simatos, D.; Jacobs, I. E.; Dobryden, I.; Nguyen, M.; Savva, A.; Venkateshvaran, D.; Nikolka, M.; Charmet, J.; Spalek, L. J.; Gicevičius, M. et al.; Zhang, Y.; Schweicher, G.; Howe, D. J.; Ursel, S.; Armitage, J.; Dimov, I. B.; Kraft, U.; Zhang, W.; Alsufyani, M.; McCulloch, I.; Owens, R. M.; Claesson, P. M.; Knowles, T. P. J.; Sirringhaus, H.: Effects of Processing-Induced Contamination on Organic Electronic Devices. Small Methods 7 (11), 2300476 (2023)
Journal Article
Belluati, A.; Harley, I.; Lieberwirth, I.; Bruns, N.: An Outer Membrane‐Inspired Polymer Coating Protects and Endows Escherichia coli with Novel Functionalities. Small 19 (46), 2303384 (2023)
Journal Article
Norseeda, K.; Yingcharoen, P.; Nimnual, P.; Puchum, S.; Arayachukiat, S.; Piromchart, T.; Wagner, M.; Zipse, H.; D’ Elia, V.: Discovery of a phosphonium ionic liquid phase from the reaction of trialkylphosphines and epichlorohydrin carbonate and application as a CO2-based triphasic demulsifier of crude oil. Journal of Molecular Structure 1292, 136122 (2023)
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