Scientific Publications
Journal Article (2)
Journal Article
1027, pp. 1288 - 1290 (2008)
Scaling of the structural relaxation in supercooled fragile liquids and simulated liquid silica. AIP Conference Proceedings
Journal Article
10 (1), pp. 31 - 38 (2008)
ESR Studies of Chemically Dehydrofluorinated Poly(vinylidene fluoride). Magnetic Resonance in Solids Book Chapter (3)
Book Chapter
Quantum-Dot/Dendrimer Based Functional Nanotubes for Sensitive Detection of DNA Hybridization. In: Smart Optics, pp. 84 - 90 (Eds. Vincenzini, P.; Righini, G.). Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland (2008)
Book Chapter
Surface Plasmon Fluorescence Techniques for Bioaffinity Studies. In: Handbook of Surface Plasmon Resonance, pp. 275 - 312 (Eds. Schasfoort, R. B. M.; Tudos, A. J.). Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge (2008)
Book Chapter
chapter 3, pp. 93 - 128 (Eds. Brabec, C.; Dyakonov, V.). Wiley VCH, Weinheim (2008)
Carbazole‐Based Conjugated Polymers as Donor Material for Photovoltaic Devices. In: Organic Photovoltaics, Vol. Conference Paper (1)
Conference Paper
39, pp. 253 - 254 (Eds. Münster, G.; Wolf, D.; Kremer, M.). NIC Symposium, Jülich, February 20, 2008 - February 21, 2008. John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC), Jülich (2008)
Introduction to Section Computational Soft Matter Science. In: NIC Series, Vol. Thesis - PhD (3)
Thesis - PhD
C3-symmetric discotic liquid crystalline materials for molecular electronics: versatile synthesis and self-organization. Dissertation, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (2008)
Thesis - PhD
Novel functional rylene dyes for dye-sensitized solar cells. Dissertation, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (2008)
Thesis - PhD
Terrylendiimid als Biolabel und funktioneller Farbstoff. Dissertation, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (2008)
Thesis - Diploma (4)
Thesis - Diploma
Kinetik des Polymerbürstenwachstums auf Mikrocantilevern. Diploma, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (2008)
Thesis - Diploma
Nicht-natürliche Aminosäuren und posttranslationale Proteinmodifikationen. Diploma, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (2008)
Thesis - Diploma
Synthese von funktionalisierten Polyphosphazenen mit 2-Oxo-(1,3)-Dioxoloanresten in der Seitenkette und ihre Eignung als Lithiumionenleiter. Diploma, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (2008)
Thesis - Diploma
Herstellung von Gold-Quantenpunkten durch Impuls-Laserabtragung von Mikroflocken in Polymer- und 1-Dodecanthiollösungen. Diploma, Fachhochschule, Wiesbaden (2008)
Book Review (1)
Book Review
6 (3-4), pp. 157 - 158 (2008)
Book Review of: Elements of Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics, 1st edition, by V. Balakrishnan, CRC Press, 2008, ISBN 9781420074192. Soft Materials