Conference Paper (59)

Conference Paper
Zhou, X.; Shi, F.; Lu, J.; Zhu, J.; Liu, X.; Zeng, X.: All-fiber femtosecond visible vortex beam based on Cherenkov radiation. In: 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO): proceedings: virtual conference, May 9-14, 2021, JW1A.37. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics. CLEO: Applications and Technology 2021. From the session Joint Poster Session II (JW1A), San Jose, California, United States, May 09, 2021 - May 14, 2021. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (2021)
Conference Paper
Bates, K.M.; Day, M.W.; Smallwood, C.L.; Ulbricht, R.; Autry, T.M.; Owen, R.C.; Diederich, G.; Schroder, T.; Bielejec, E.; Siemens, M.E. et al.; Cundiff, S.T.: Measuring the Diamond Strain Tensor with Silicon-Vacancy Centers. In: 2020 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO): proceedings: San Jose, California, USA, 10-15 May 2020, Vol. 2020, 9192157. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics. CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science 2020. From the session Single Color Centers in Wide-Bandgap Semiconductors (FTu3D), Washington, DC, United States, May 10, 2020 - May 15, 2020. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (2020)
Conference Paper
Chen, Y.; Peng, Y.; He, S.; Hou, Y.; Qin, H.: A method for predicting the solar photovoltaic (PV) potential in China. 6th International Conference on Energy, Environment and Materials Science, Hulun Buir; China, August 28, 2020 - August 30, 2020. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 585, 012012, 1 Ed., (2020)
Conference Paper
Jia, X.; Tielrooij, K.-J.; Bonn, M.; Wang, H. I.: Kinetic Ionic Permeation and Interfacial Doping of Supported Graphene Measured with Terahertz Photoconductivity Measurements. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz, 9370419, p. 204. 45th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz, Virtual, Buffalo; United States, November 08, 2020 - November 13, 2020. IEEE Computer Society (2020)
Conference Paper
Kotadiya, N.; Blom, P.; Wetzelaer, G.-J.: Towards efficient and stable printed single-layer oleds. In: International Symposium - Digest of Technical Papers, pp. 478 - 480. 57th SID International Symposium, Seminar and Exhibition, Virtual, Online, August 03, 2020 - August 07, 2020. Society for Information Display (2020)
Conference Paper
Silori, Y.; Seliya, P.; De, A. K.: Two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy reveals distinct ultrafast photophysics in tricarbocyanine dyes: Polar solvation and photo-isomerization. In: OSA Technical Digest, M4B.30 (Eds. Kärtner, F.; Khalil, M.; Li, R.; Légaré , F.; Tahara, T.). 22nd International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, UP 2020, Code 167566, Washington, United States , November 16, 2020 - November 19, 2020. Optical Society of America, 2020 (2020)
Conference Paper
Hafez, H. A.; Tielrooij, K.-J.; Bonn, M.; Turchinovich, D.: Control of Terahertz Nonlinearity in Graphene by Gating. In: IEEE Xplore, Vol. 2019, 8874288. 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), Paris, France, September 01, 2019 - September 06, 2019. IEEE (2019)
Conference Paper
Jia, X.; Tielrooij, K.-J.; Bonn, M.; Wang, H. I.: Ionic permeability and interfacial doping of graphene on SiO2 measured with Terahertz photoconductivity measurement. In: IEEE Xplore, Vol. 2019, 8874148. 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), Paris, France, September 01, 2019 - September 06, 2019. IEEE (2019)
Conference Paper
Gkoupidenis, P.: Biological plausibility in organic neuromorphic devices: from global phenomena to synchronization functions. In: Proc. SPIE, Organic and Hybrid Sensors and Bioelectronics XII, Vol. 11096, 110960K (Eds. Kymissis, I.; List-Kratochvil, E. J. W.; Shinar, R.). SPIE Organic Photonics + Electronics, San Diego, CA, United States, August 11, 2019 - August 15, 2018. (2019)
Conference Paper
Hafez, H. A.; Kovalev, S.; Deinert, J.-C.; Jan-Tielrooij, K.; Bonn, M.; Gensch, M.; Turchinovich, D.: Graphene: The ultimate nonlinear material at terahertz frequencie. In: Terahertz Science and Applications 2019, TTu2G.1. Terahertz Science and Applications, TSA_2019 : session: Novel Material for Terahertz Applications (TTu2G), Wuhan, China, November 11, 2019 - November 14, 2019. OSA - The Optical Society, Washington, DC (2019)
Conference Paper
Liu, X.; Lægsgaard, J.; Iegorov, R.; Svane, A.; Ilday, F. Ö.; Tu, H.; Boppart, S. A.; Turchinovich, D.: Low-noise femtosecond Cherenkov fiber laser, continuously tunable across the entire red-green-blue spectral range. In: XXI International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena 2018 (UP 2018), 01002 (Eds. Cerullo, G.; Ogilvie, J.; Kartner, F.; Khalil, M.). 21st International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena (UP), Hamburg, Germany , July 15, 2018 - July 20, 2018. EDP Sciences, Les Ulis (2019)
Conference Paper
Zhang, W.; Maldonado, P.; Jin, Z.; Krewer, K.; Arabski, J.; Schmerber, G.; Beaurepaire, E.; Kampfrath, T.; Bonn, M.; Oppeneer, P. et al.; Turchinovich, D.: Study of Ultrafast Magnetism by THz Emission Spectroscopy. In: International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz, Vol. 2019, 8874330. 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz, Maison de la ChimieParis; France, September 01, 2019 - September 06, 2019. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (2019)
Conference Paper
Gkoupidenis, P.; Koutsouras, D. A.; Malliaras, G. G.: Neuromorphic devices based on organic mixed conductors. In: Proc. SPIE, Organic and Hybrid Sensors and Bioelectronics XI, Vol. 10738, 107380B (Eds. Kymissis, I.; Shinar, R.; Torsi, L.; List-Kratochvil, E. J. W.). SPIE ORGANIC PHOTONICS + ELECTRONICS, San Diego, CA, United States, August 19, 2018 - August 23, 2018. (2018)
Conference Paper
Fogarty, A. C.; Fiorentini, R.; Kremer, K.; Potestio, R.: Insights into Molecular Recognition: Multi-Resolution Simulations of Proteins and their Hydration Shells to Capture both Global Fluctuations and Chemical Detail. In: NIC Series, Vol. 49, pp. 127 - 135 (Eds. Binder, K.; Müller, M.; Trautmann, A.). NIC Symposium, Jülich, February 22, 2018 - February 23, 2018. John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC), Jülich (2018)
Conference Paper
Hafez, H. A.; Kovalev, S.; Deinert, J.-C.; Mics, Z.; Green, B.; Awari, N.; Chen, M.; Germanskiy, S.; Wang, Z.; Tielrooij, K.-J. et al.; Liu, Z.; Chen, Z.; Narita, A.; Müllen, K.; Bonn, M.; Gensch, M.; Turchinovich, D.: Room-temperature THz high harmonics generation in graphene. In: 2018 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO): San Jose, California, USA, 13-18 May 2018: proceedings, 8427066. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics. CLEO: Applications and Technology 2018. From the session Postdeadline Papers Session I (JTh5A), San Jose, California, United States , May 13, 2018 - May 18, 2018. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (2018)
Conference Paper
Hsu, H.-P.; Zhang, G.; Stühn, T.; Daoulas, K.; Kremer, K.: Hierarchical Modelling of Entangled Polymer Melts: Structure and Rheology. In: NIC Series, Vol. 49, pp. 303 - 312 (Eds. Binder, K.; Müller, M.; Trautmann, A.). NIC Symposium, Jülich, February 22, 2018 - February 23, 2018. John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC), Jülich (2018)
Conference Paper
Kalinina, S.; Schaefer, P.; Breymayer, J.; Bisinger, D.; Chakrabortty, S.; Rueck, A.: Oxygen sensing PLIM together with FLIM of intrinsic cellular fluorophores for metabolic mapping. In: Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 10497, UNSP 104970F. Conference on Imaging, Manipulation, and Analysis of Biomolecules, Cells, and Tissues XVI, San Francisco, CA, January 29, 2018 - January 31, 2018. SPIE, Bellingham, Washington (2018)
Conference Paper
Khatib, M.; Hinkel, F.; Müllen, K.; Haick, H.: High-Mobility Polymer Field-Effect Transistor Based-Sensor Array for Selective Discrimination between Multiple Isomers. In: 2018 International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems and Application (VLSI-TSA). International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems and Application (VLSI-TSA), Hsinchu, Taiwan, April 16, 2018 - April 19, 2018. IEEE, New York, NY (2018)
Conference Paper
Kim, H.; Hunger, J.; Canovas, E.; Karakus Uzuner, M.; Mics, Z.; Grechko, M.; Turchinovich, D.; Parekh, S. H.; Bonn, M.: Intense THz-assisted modulation of semiconductor optical properties. In: 2018 International Conference Laser Optics (ICLO), Vol. 2018, p. 123 - 123. International Conference on Laser Optics (ICLO), 4-8 June 2018, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 04, 2018 - June 08, 2018. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ( IEEE ), Piscataway, NJ (2018)
Conference Paper
Lukacova-Medvid'ova, M.; Dünweg, B.; Strasser, P.; Tretyakov, N.: Energy-Stable Numerical Schemes for Multiscale Simulations of Polymer-Solvent Mixtures. In: Mathematical Analysis of Continuum Mechanics and Industrial Applications II, pp. 153 - 165 (Ed. Van Meurs, P.). CoMFoS16 International Conference on Mathematical Analysis of Continuum Mechanics and Industrial Applications II, Kyushu Univ, Fukuoka, Japan, October 22, 2016 - October 24, 2016. Springer, Singapore (2018)
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