Publications | Dept. Bonn

Journal Article (86)

Journal Article
Chiang, K.-Y.; Yu, X.; Yu, C.-C.; Seki, T.; Sun, S.; Bonn, M.; Nagata, Y.: Bulklike Vibrational Coupling of Surface Water Revealed by Sum-Frequency Generation Spectroscopy. Physical Review Letters 131 (25), 256202 (2023)
Journal Article
Prasoon, A.; Yu, X.; Hambsch, M.; Bodesheim, D.; Liu, K.; Zacarias, A.; Nguyen, N. N.; Seki, T.; Dianat, A.; Croy, A. et al.; Cuniberti, G.; Fontaine, P.; Nagata, Y.; Mannsfeld, S. C. B.; Dong, R.; Bonn, M.; Feng, X.: Site-selective chemical reactions by on-water surface sequential assembly. Nature Communications 14 (1), 8313 (2023)
Journal Article
Teunissen, J. L.; Braeckevelt, T.; Skvortsova, I.; Guo, J.; Pradhan, B.; Debroye, E.; Roeffaers, M. B. J.; Hofkens, J.; Aert, S. V.; Bals, S. et al.; Rogge, S. M. J.; Speybroeck, V. V.: Additivity of Atomic Strain Fields as a Tool to Strain-Engineering Phase-Stabilized CsPbI3 Perovskites. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 127 (48), pp. 23400 - 23411 (2023)
Journal Article
Wu, Z.-H.; Peng, M.; Ji, C.; Kardasis, P.; Tzourtzouklis, I.; Baumgarten, M.; Wu, H.; Basché, T.; Floudas, G.; Yin, Mei, M. et al.; Müllen, K.: A Terrylene-Anthraquinone Dyad as a Chromophore for Photothermal Therapy in the NIR-II Window. Journal of the American Chemical Society 145 (148), pp. 26487 - 26493 (2023)
Journal Article
Sutter, J.; Haease, C.; Graf, R.; Hunger, J.: Charge transport in protic ionic liquids: Effect of protonation state in 1-methylimidazolium – acetate/trifluoroacetate mixtures. Journal of Molecular Liquids 390 (Part A), 122975 (2023)
Journal Article
Yao, X.; Zhang, H.; Kong, F.; Hinaut, A.; Pawlak, R.; Okuno, M.; Graf, R.; Horton, P. N.; Coles, S. J.; Meyer, E. et al.; Bogani, L.; Bonn, M.; Wang, H. I.; Müllen, K.; Narita, A.: N=8 Armchair Graphene Nanoribbons: Solution Synthesis and High Charge Carrier Mobility. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 62 (46), e202312610 (2023)
Journal Article
Schwidetzky, R.; de Ribeiro, I. A.; Bothen, N.; Backes, A. T.; DeVries , A. L.; Bonn, M.; Fröhlich-Nowoisky, J.; Molinero , V.; Meister, K.: Functional aggregation of cell-free proteins enables fungal ice nucleation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 120 (46), e2303243120 (2023)
Journal Article
Li, B.; Ju, C.-W.; Wang, W.; Gu, Y.; Chen, S.; Luo, Y.; Zhang, H.; Yang, J.; Liang, H.-w.; Bonn, M. et al.; Müllen, K.; III, W. A. G.; Zhou, Y.: Heck Migratory Insertion Catalyzed by a Single Pt Atom Site. Journal of the American Chemical Society 145 (44), pp. 24126 - 24135 (2023)
Journal Article
Ghosh, S.; Rana, D.; Pradhan, B.; Donfack, P.; Hofkens, J.; Materny, A.: Raman Spectroscopy of Formamidinium‐Based Lead Mixed‐Halide Perovskite Bulk Crystals. ChemPhysChem 24 (21), e202300303 (2023)
Journal Article
Giannini, S.; Di Virgilio, L.; Bardini, M.; Hausch, J.; Geuchies, J. J.; Zheng, W.; Volpi, M.; Elsner, J.; Broch, K.; Geerts, Y. H. et al.; Schreiber, F.; Schweicher, G.; Wang, H. I.; Blumberger, J.; Bonn, M.; Beljonne, D.: Transiently delocalized states enhance hole mobility in organic molecular semiconductors. Nature Materials 22, pp. 1361 - 1369 (2023)
Journal Article
James, A. M.; Greco, A.; Devaux, F.; McIntosh, N.; Brocorens, P.; Cornil, J.; Pandey, P.; Kunert, B.; Maini, L.; Geerts, Y. H. et al.; Resel, R.: Memory Effect by Melt Crystallization Observed in Polymorphs of a Benzothieno-Benzothiophene Derivative. Crystal Growth & Design 23 (11), pp. 8124 - 8131 (2023)
Journal Article
Hazrah, A. S.; Insausti, A.; Ma, J.; Al-Jabiri, M. H.; Jäger, W.; Xu, Y.: Wetting vs Droplet Aggregation: A Broadband Rotational Spectroscopic Study of 3-Methylcatechol⋅⋅⋅Water Clusters. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 62 (44), e202310610 (2023)
Journal Article
Peeters, W.; Toyouchi, S.; Fujita, Y.; Wolf, M.; Fortuni, B.; Fron, E.; Inose, T.; Hofkens, J.; Endo, T.; Miyata, Y. et al.; Uji-i, H.: Remote Excitation of Tip-Enhanced Photoluminescence with a Parallel AgNW Coupler. ACS Omega 8 (41), pp. 38386 - 38393 (2023)
Journal Article
Dubey, R. K.; Marongiu, M.; Fu, S.; Guanzhao, W.; Bonn, M.; Wang, H. I.; Melle-Franco, M.; Mateo-Alonso, A.: Accelerated iterative synthesis of ultralong graphene nanoribbons with full atomic precision. Chem 9 (10), pp. 2983 - 2996 (2023)
Journal Article
Giubertoni, G.; Bonn, M.; Woutersen, S.: D2O as an Imperfect Replacement for H2O: Problem or Opportunity for Protein Research? The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 127 (38), pp. 8086 - 8094 (2023)
Journal Article
Ma, S.; Fu, S.; Yang, T.; Li, K.; Chen, G.; Dong, Q.; He, P.; Sun, Z.; Duan, X.; Jia, D. et al.; Colombo, P.; Zhou, Y.: Unveiling the critical role of rheology modifiers in additive manufacturing of geopolymers and their mechanical properties. Additive Manufacturing 78, 103826 (2023)
Journal Article
Litman, Y.; Lan, J.; Nagata, Y.; Wilkins, D. M.: Fully First-Principles Surface Spectroscopy with Machine Learning. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14 (36), pp. 8175 - 8182 (2023)
Journal Article
Zhao, Y.; Lu, H.; Qi, D.; Motta, A.; Fröhlich-Nowoisky, J.; Chen, J.; Sun, Y.; Bonn, M.: Ice Recrystallization Inhibition Activity of Silk Proteins. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14 (36), pp. 8145 - 8150 (2023)
Journal Article
Sachnik, O.; Tan, X.; Dou, D.; Haease, C.; Kinaret, N.; Lin, K.-H.; Andrienko, D.; Baumgarten, M.; Graf, R.; Wetzelaer, G.-J. A. H. et al.; Michels, J. J.; Blom, P. W. M.: Elimination of charge-carrier trapping by molecular design. Nature Materials 22, pp. 1114 - 1120 (2023)
Journal Article
Liu, Y.; Zhang, H.; Yu, H.; Liao, Z.; Paasch, S.; Xu, S.; Zhao, R.; Brunner, E.; Bonn, M.; Wang, H. I. et al.; Heine, T.; Wang, M.; Mai, Y.; Feng, X.: A Thiophene Backbone Enables Two‐Dimensional Poly(arylene vinylene)s with High Charge Carrier Mobility. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 62 (35), e202305978 (2023)
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