Publications of Denis Andrienko

Journal Article (150)

Journal Article
Lin, K.-H.; Paterson, L.; May, F.; Andrienko, D.: Glass transition temperature prediction of disordered molecular solids. npj Computational Materials 7 (1), 179 (2021)
Journal Article
Andrienko, D.: A personal recollection: A tribute to Yuriy Reznikov. Journal of Molecular Liquids 340, 108152 (2021)
Journal Article
Markina, A.; Lin, K.-H.; Liu, W.; Poelking, C.; Firdaus, Y.; Villalva, D. R.; Khan, J. I.; Paleti, S. H. K.; Harrison, G. T.; Gorenflot, J. et al.; Zhang, W.; De Wolf, S.; McCulloch, I.; Anthopoulos, T. D.; Baran, D.; Laquai, F.; Andrienko, D.: Chemical Design Rules for Non-Fullerene Acceptors in Organic Solar Cells. Advanced Energy Materials 11 (44), 2102363 (2021)
Journal Article
Li, Y.; Jiang, L.; Liu, W.; Xu, S.; Li, T.-Y.; Fries, F.; Zeika, O.; Zou, Y.; Ramanan, C.; Lenk, S. et al.; Scholz, R.; Andrienko, D.; Feng, X.; Leo, K.; Reineke, S.: Reduced Intrinsic Non-Radiative Losses Allow Room-Temperature Triplet Emission from Purely Organic Emitters. Advanced Materials 33 (39), 2101844 (2021)
Journal Article
Khan, J. I.; Alamoudi, M. A.; Chaturvedi, N.; Ashraf, R. S.; Nabi, M. N.; Markina, A.; Liu, W.; Dela Pena, T. A.; Zhang, W.; Aleveque, O. et al.; Harrison, G. T.; Alsufyani, W.; Levillain, E.; De Wolf, S.; Andrienko, D.; McCulloch, I.; Laquai, F.: Impact of Acceptor Quadrupole Moment on Charge Generation and Recombination in Blends of IDT-Based Non-Fullerene Acceptors with PCE10 as Donor Polymer. Advanced Energy Materials 11 (28), 2100839 (2021)
Journal Article
Mondal, A.; Paterson, L.; Cho, J.; Lin, K.-H.; van der Zee, B.; Wetzelaer, G.-J. A. H.; Stankevych, A.; Vakhnin, A.; Kim, J.-J.; Kadashchuk, A. et al.; Blom, P. W. M.; May, F.; Andrienko, D.: Molecular library of OLED host materials - Evaluating the multiscale simulation workflow. Chemical Physics Reviews 2 (3), 031304 (2021)
Journal Article
Berressem, F.; Scherer, C.; Andrienko, D.; Nikoubashman, A.: Ultra-coarse-graining of homopolymers in inhomogeneous systems. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 33 (25), 254002 (2021)
Journal Article
Stankevych, A.; Vakhnin, A.; Andrienko, D.; Paterson, L.; Genoe, J.; Fishchuk, I.; Baessler, H.; Koehler, A.; Kadashchuk, A.: Density of States of OLED Host Materials from Thermally Stimulated Luminescence. Physical Review Applied 15 (4), 044050 (2021)
Journal Article
Harrelson, T. F.; Dettmann, M.; Scherer, C.; Andrienko, D.; Moule, A. J.; Faller, R.: Computing inelastic neutron scattering spectra from molecular dynamics trajectories. Scientific Reports 11 (1), 7938 (2021)
Journal Article
Paterson, A. F.; Li, R.; Markina, A.; Tsetseris, L.; MacPhee, S.; Faber, H.; Emwas, A.-H.; Panidi, J.; Bristow, H.; Wadsworth, A. et al.; Baran, D.; Andrienko, D.; Heeney, M.; McCulloch, I.; Anthopoulos, T. D.: N-Doping improves charge transport and morphology in the organic non-fullerene acceptor O-IDTBR dagger. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 9 (13), pp. 4486 - 4495 (2021)
Journal Article
Quintans, C.S.; Andrienko, D.; Domke, K. F.; Aravena, D.; Koo, S.; Díez-Pérez, I.; Aragonès, A. C.: Tuning Single-Molecule Conductance by Controlled Electric Field-Induced trans-to-cis Isomerisation. Applied Sciences 11 (8), 3317 (2021)
Journal Article
Karuthedath, S.; Gorenflot, J.; Firdaus, Y.; Chaturvedi, N.; De Castro, C. S. P.; Harrison, G. T.; Khan, J. I.; Markina, A.; Balawi, A. H.; Peña, T. A. D. et al.; Liu, W.; Liang, R.-Z.; Sharma, A.; Paleti, S. H. K.; Zhang, W.; Lin, Y.; Alarousu, E.; Anjum, D. H.; Beaujuge, P. M.; Wolf, S. D.; McCulloch, I.; Anthopoulos, T. D.; Baran, D.; Andrienko, D.; Laquai, F.: Intrinsic efficiency limits in low-bandgap non-fullerene acceptor organic solar cells. Nature Materials 20, pp. 378 - 384 (2021)
Journal Article
Liu, W.; Kotadiya, N. B.; Blom, P.; Wetzelaer, G.-J.; Andrienko, D.: Molecular Origin of Balanced Bipolar Transport in Neat Layers of the Emitter CzDBA. Advanced Materials Technologies 6 (2), 2000120 (2021)
Journal Article
Saladina, M.; Marqués, P. S.; Markina, A.; Karuthedath, S.; Wöpke, C.; Göhler, C.; Chen, Y.; Allain, M.; Blanchard, P.; Cabanetos, C. et al.; Andrienko, D.; Laquai, F.; Gorenflot, J.; Deibel, C.: Charge Photogeneration in Non-Fullerene Organic Solar Cells: Influence of Excess Energy and Electrostatic Interactions. Advanced Functional Materials, 2007479 (2020)
Journal Article
Firdaus, Y.; Le Corre, V. M.; Karuthedath, S.; Liu, W.; Markina, A.; Huang, W.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Nahid, M. M.; Nugraha, M. I.; Lin, Y. et al.; Seitkhan, A.; Basu, A.; Zhang, W.; McCulloch, I.; Ade, H.; Labram, J.; Laquai, F.; Andrienko, D.; Koster, L. J. A.; Anthopoulos, T. D.: Long-range exciton diffusion in molecular non-fullerene acceptors. Nature Communications 11 (1), 5220 (2020)
Journal Article
Kim, S.; Melnyk, A.; Andrienko, D.; Suzuki, Y.: Solid-State Electron Affinity Analysis of Amorphous Fluorinated Polymer Electret. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 124 (46), pp. 10507 - 10513 (2020)
Journal Article
Paterson, L.; May, F.; Andrienko, D.: Computer aided design of stable and efficient OLEDs. Journal of Applied Physics 128 (16), 160901 (2020)
Journal Article
Perdigon-Toro, L.; Zhang, H.; Markina, A.; Yuan, J.; Hosseini, S. M.; Wolff, C. M.; Zuo, G.; Stolterfoht, M.; Zou, Y.; Gao, F. et al.; Andrienko, D.; Shoaee, S.; Neher, D.: Barrierless Free Charge Generation in the High-Performance PM6:Y6 Bulk Heterojunction Non-Fullerene Solar Cell. Advanced Materials 32 (9), 1906763 (2020)
Journal Article
Scherer, C.; Scheid, R.; Andrienko, D.; Bereau, T.: Kernel-Based Machine Learning for Efficient Simulations of Molecular Liquids. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 16 (5), pp. 3194 - 3204 (2020)
Journal Article
Abbaszadeh, D.; Kunz, A.; Kotadiya, N. B.; Mondal, A.; Andrienko, D.; Michels, J. J.; Wetzelaer, G.-J. A. H.; Blom, P. W. M.: Electron Trapping in Conjugated Polymers. Chemistry of Materials 31 (17), pp. 6380 - 6386 (2019)
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