Publications of Stanislav Baluschev

Journal Article (66)

Journal Article
Deichmann, V. A. F.; Yakutkin, V.; Baluschev, S.; Akcelrud, L.: Optical Tuning of the Fluorescence Spectrum of a pi-Conjugated Polymer through Excitation Power. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 115 (20), pp. 6385 - 6394 (2011)
Journal Article
Keivanidis, P. E.; Laquai, F.; Robertson, J. W. F.; Baluschev, S.; Jacob, J.; Müllen, K.; Wegner, G.: Electron-Exchange-Assisted Photon Energy Up-Conversion in Thin Films of pi-Conjugated Polymeric Composites. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2 (15), pp. 1893 - 1899 (2011)
Journal Article
Turshatov, A.; Busko, D.; Baluschev, S.; Miteva, T.; Landfester, K.: Micellar carrier for triplet-triplet annihilation-assisted photon energy upconversion in a water environment. New Journal of Physics 13, 083035 (2011)
Journal Article
Wohnhaas, C.; Turshatov, A.; Mailänder, V.; Lorenz, S.; Baluschev, S.; Miteva, T.; Landfester, K.: Annihilation Upconversion in Cells by Embedding the Dye System in Polymeric Nanocapsules. Macromolecular Bioscience 11 (6), pp. 772 - 778 (2011)
Journal Article
Hess, S.; Demir, M. M.; Yakutkin, V.; Baluschev, S.; Wegner, G.: Investigation of Oxygen Permeation through Composites of PMMA and Surface-Modified ZnO Nanoparticles. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 30 (4-5), pp. 394 - 401 (2009)
Journal Article
Keivanidis, P. E.; Baluschev, S.; Lieser, G.; Wegner, G.: Inherent Photon Energy Recycling Effects in the Up-Converted Delayed Luminescence Dynamics of Poly(fluorene)-Pt(II)octaethyl Porphyrin Blends. ChemPhysChem 10 (13), pp. 2316 - 2326 (2009)
Journal Article
Baluschev, S.; Yakutkin, V.; Miteva, T.; Wegner, G.; Roberts, T.; Nelles, G.; Yasuda, A.; Chernov, S.; Aleshchenkov, S.; Cheprakov, A.: A general approach for non-coherently excited annihilation up-conversion: transforming the solar-spectrum. New Journal of Physics 10, 013007 (2008)
Journal Article
Kawano, S. I.; Yang, C.; Ribas, M.; Baluschev, S.; Baumgarten, M.; Müllen, K.: Blue-Emitting Poly(2,7-pyrenylene)s: Synthesis and Optical Properties. Macromolecules 41 (21), pp. 7933 - 7937 (2008)
Journal Article
Miteva, T.; Yakutkin, V.; Nelles, G.; Baluschev, S.: Annihilation assisted upconversion: all-organic, flexible and transparent multicolour display. New Journal of Physics 10, 103002 (2008)
Journal Article
Yakutkin, V.; Aleshchenkov, S.; Chernov, S.; Miteva, T.; Nelles, G.; Cheprakov, A.; Baluschev, S.: Towards the IR Limit of the Triplet-Triplet Annihilation-Supported Up-Conversion: Tetraanthraporphyrin. Chemistry-A European Journal 14 (32), pp. 9846 - 9850 (2008)
Journal Article
Baluschev, S.; Yakutkin, V.; Miteva, T.; Avlasevich, Y.; Chernov, S.; Aleshchenkov, S.; Nelles, G.; Cheprakov, A.; Yasuda, A.; Müllen, K. et al.; Wegner, G.: Blue-green up-conversion: Noncoherent excitation by NIR light. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition 46 (40), pp. 7693 - 7696 (2007)
Journal Article
Baluschev, S.; Yakutkin, V.; Wegner, G.; Minch, B.; Miteva, T.; Nelles, G.; Yasuda, A.: Two pathways for photon upconversion in model organic compound systems. Journal of Applied Physics 101 (2), 023101 (2007)
Journal Article
Baluschev, S.; Yakutkin, V.; Wegner, G.; Minch, B.; Miteva, T.; Nelles, G.; Yasuda, A.: Response to "Comment on 'Two pathways for photon upconversion in model organic compound systems' [J. Appl. Phys. 101, 023101 (2007)]". Journal of Applied Physics 102 (7), 076103 (2007)
Journal Article
Baluschev, S.; Yakutkin, V.; Wegner, G.; Miteva, T.; Nelles, G.; Yasuda, A.; Chernov, S.; Aleshchenkov, S.; Cheprakov, A.: Upconversion with ultrabroad excitation band: Simultaneous use of two sensitizers. Applied Physics Letters 90 (18), 181103 (2007)
Journal Article
Hess, S.; Becker, A.; Baluschev, S.; Yakutkin, V.; Wegner, G.: A comparative study of oxygen Permeabilities of film-forming polymers by quenching of platinum porphyrin phosphorescence. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 208 (19-20), pp. 2173 - 2188 (2007)
Journal Article
Baluschev, S.; Miteva, T.; Yakutkin, V.; Nelles, G.; Yasuda, A.; Wegner, G.: Up-conversion fluorescence: Noncoherent excitation by sunlight. Physical Review Letters 97 (14), 143903 (2006)
Journal Article
Chochos, C. L.; Kallitsis, J. K.; Keivanidis, P. E.; Baluschev, S.; Gregoriou, V. G.: Thermally stable blue emitting terfluorene block copolymers. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110 (10), pp. 4657 - 4662 (2006)
Journal Article
El Hamaoui, B.; Laquai, F.; Baluschev, S.; Wu, J. S.; Müllen, K.: A phosphorescent hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene platinum complex and its time-resolved spectroscopy. Synthetic Metals 156 (18-20), pp. 1182 - 1186 (2006)
Journal Article
Karabasheva, S.; Baluschev, S.; Graf, K.: Microstructures on soluble polymer surfaces via drop deposition of solvent mixtures. Applied Physics Letters 89 (3), 031110 (2006)
Journal Article
Kastler, M.; Pisula, W.; Laquai, F.; Kumar, A.; Davies, R. J.; Baluschev, S.; Garcia-Gutierrez, M. C.; Wasserfallen, D.; Butt, H.-J.; Riekel, C. et al.; Wegner, G.; Müllen, K.: Organization of charge-carrier pathways for organic electronics. Advanced Materials 18 (17), pp. 2255 - 2259 (2006)
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