Publications of Alessandro Greco

Journal Article (7)

Journal Article
Greco, A.; Ohto, T.; Nagata, Y.; Bonn, M.; Backus, E. H. G.: Temperature-dependent vibrational energy relaxation of hydrogen-bonded and free OD groups at the air-water interface. The Journal of Chemical Physics 161 (17), 174706 (2024)
Journal Article
Giubertoni, G.; Chagri, S.; Argudo, P. G.; Prädel, L.; Maltseva, D.; Greco, A.; Caporaletti, F.; Pavan, A.; Ilie, I. M.; Ren, Y. et al.; Ng, D. Y. W.; Bonn, M.; Weil, T.; Woutersen, S.: Structural adaptability and surface activity of peptides derived from tardigrade proteins. Protein Science 33 (9), e5135 (2024)
Journal Article
Gicevičius, M.; James, A. M.; Reicht, L.; McIntosh, N.; Greco, A.; Fijahi, L.; Devaux, F.; Mas-Torrent, M.; Cornil, J.; Geerts, Y. H. et al.; Zojer, E.; Resel, R.; Sirringhaus, H.: Impact of hydrophilic side chains on the thin film transistor performance of a benzothieno-benzothiophene derivative. Materials Advances 5 (15), pp. 6285 - 6294 (2024)
Journal Article
James, A. M.; Greco, A.; Devaux, F.; McIntosh, N.; Brocorens, P.; Cornil, J.; Pandey, P.; Kunert, B.; Maini, L.; Geerts, Y. H. et al.; Resel, R.: Memory Effect by Melt Crystallization Observed in Polymorphs of a Benzothieno-Benzothiophene Derivative. Crystal Growth & Design 23 (11), pp. 8124 - 8131 (2023)
Journal Article
James, A. M.; McIntosh, N.; Devaux, F.; Brocorens, P.; Cornil, J.; Greco, A.; Maini, L.; Pandey, P.; Pandolfi, L.; Kunert, B. et al.; Venuti, E.; Geerts, Y. H.; Resel, R.: Polymorph screening at surfaces of a benzothienobenzothiophene derivative: discovering new solvate forms. Materials Horizons 10 (10), pp. 4415 - 4433 (2023)
Journal Article
Seki, T.; Yu, C.-C.; Chiang, K.-Y.; Greco, A.; Yu, X.; Matsumura, F.; Bonn, M.; Nagata, Y.: Ions Speciation at the Water-Air Interface. Journal of the American Chemical Society 145 (19), pp. 10622 - 10630 (2023)
Journal Article
Turetta, N.; Stoeckel, M.-A.; de Oliveira, R. F.; Devaux, F.; Greco, A.; Cendra, C.; Gullace, S.; Gicevičius, M.; Chattopadhyay, B.; Liu, J. et al.; Schweicher, G.; Sirringhaus, H.; Salleo, A.; Bonn, M.; Backus, E. H. G.; Geerts, Y.; Samorì, P.: High-Performance Humidity Sensing in π-Conjugated Molecular Assemblies through the Engineering of Electron/Proton Transport and Device Interfaces. Journal of the American Chemical Society 144 (6), pp. 2546 - 2555 (2022)
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