Publications of Rafael Munoz-Espi

Journal Article (71)

Journal Article
Singh, I.; Landfester, K.; Chandra, A.; Munoz-Espi, R.: A new approach for crystallization of copper(II) oxide hollow nanostructures with superior catalytic and magnetic response. Nanoscale 7 (45), pp. 19250 - 19258 (2015)
Journal Article
Werber, L.; Preiss, L. C.; Landfester, K.; Munoz-Espi, R.; Mastai, Y.: Isothermal Titration Calorimetry of Chiral Polymeric Nanoparticles. Chirality 27 (9), pp. 613 - 618 (2015)
Journal Article
Hood, M. A.; Landfester, K.; Munoz-Espi, R.: The Role of Residue Acidity on the Stabilization of Vaterite by Amino Acids and Oligopeptides. Crystal Growth & Design 14 (3), pp. 1077 - 1085 (2014)
Journal Article
Hood, M. A.; Mari, M.; Munoz-Espi, R.: Synthetic Strategies in the Preparation of Polymer/Inorganic Hybrid Nanoparticles. Materials 7 (11), pp. 7583 - 7614 (2014)
Journal Article
Preiss, L. C.; Landfester, K.; Munoz-Espi, R.: Biopolymer colloids for controlling and templating inorganic synthesis. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 5, pp. 2129 - 2138 (2014)
Journal Article
Schoth, A.; Wagner, C.; Hecht, L. L.; Winzen, S.; Munoz-Espi, R.; Schuchmann, H. P.; Landfester, K.: Structure control in PMMA/silica hybrid nanoparticles by surface functionalization. Colloid and Polymer Science 292 (10), pp. 2427 - 2437 (2014)
Journal Article
Chen, J.; Wang, D.; Turshatov, A.; Munoz-Espi, R.; Ziener, U.; Koynov, K.; Landfester, K.: One-pot fabrication of amphiphilic photoswitchable thiophene-based fluorescent polymer dots. Polymer Chemistry 4 (3), pp. 773 - 781 (2013)
Journal Article
Fischer, V.; Bannwarth, M. B.; Jakob, G.; Landfester, K.; Munoz-Espi, R.: Luminescent and Magnetoresponsive Multifunctional Chalcogenide/Polymer Hybrid Nanoparticles. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (11), pp. 5999 - 6005 (2013)
Journal Article
Fischer, V.; Lieberwirth, I.; Jakob, G.; Landfester, K.; Munoz-Espi, R.: Metal Oxide/Polymer Hybrid Nanoparticles with Versatile Functionality Prepared by Controlled Surface Crystallization. Advanced Functional Materials 23 (4), pp. 451 - 466 (2013)
Journal Article
Froimowicz, P.; Munoz-Espi, R.; Landfester, K.; Musyanovych, A.; Crespy, D.: Surface-Functionalized Particles: From their Design and Synthesis to Materials Science and Bio-Applications. Current Organic Chemistry 17 (9), pp. 900 - 912 (2013)
Journal Article
Hecht, L. L.; Merkel, T.; Schoth, A.; Wagner, C.; Köhler, K.; Munoz-Espi, R.; Landfester, K.; Schuchmann, H. P.: Emulsification of particle loaded droplets with regard to miniemulsion polymerization. Chemical Engineering Journal 229, pp. 206 - 216 (2013)
Journal Article
Hecht, L. L.; Schoth, A.; Munoz-Espi, R.; Javadi, A.; Köhler, K.; Miller, R.; Landfester, K.; Schuchmann, H. P.: Determination of the Ideal Surfactant Concentration in Miniemulsion Polymerization. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 214 (7), pp. 812 - 823 (2013)
Journal Article
Munoz-Espi, R.; Mastai, Y.; Gross, S.; Landfester, K.: Colloidal systems for crystallization processes from liquid phase. CrystEngComm 15 (12), pp. 2175 - 2191 (2013)
Journal Article
Singh, I.; Nigam, A. K.; Landfester, K.; Munoz-Espi, R.; Chandra, A.: Anomalous magnetic behavior below 10 K in YCrO3 nanoparticles obtained under droplet confinement. Applied Physics Letters 103 (18), 182902 (2013)
Journal Article
Chen, J.; Shu, J.; Schobloch, S.; Kroeger, A.; Graf, R.; Munoz-Espi, R.; Landfester, K.; Ziener, U.: A New Design Strategy for he Synthesis of Unsubstituted Polythiophene with Defined High Molecular Weight. Macromolecules 45 (12), pp. 5108 - 5113 (2012)
Journal Article
Fischer, V.; Landfester, K.; Munoz-Espi, R.: Molecularly Controlled Coagulation of Carboxyl-Functionalized Nanoparticles Prepared by Surfactant-Free Miniemulsion Polymerization. ACS Macro Letters 1 (12), pp. 1371 - 1374 (2012)
Journal Article
Hajir, M.; Dolcet, P.; Fischer, V.; Holzinger, J.; Landfester, K.; Munoz-Espi, R.: Sol-gel processes at the droplet interface: hydrous zirconia and hafnia nanocapsules by interfacial inorganic polycondensation. Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (12), pp. 5622 - 5628 (2012)
Journal Article
Horzum, N.; Munoz-Espi, R.; Glasser, G.; Demir, M. M.; Landfester, K.; Crespy, D.: Hierarchically Structured Metal Oxide/Silica Nanofibers by Colloid Electrospinning. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 4 (11), pp. 6338 - 6345 (2012)
Journal Article
Munoz-Espi, R.; Weiss, C. K.; Landfester, K.: Inorganic nanoparticles prepared in miniemulsion. Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 17 (4), pp. 212 - 224 (2012)
Journal Article
Tunusoglu, Ö.; Munoz-Espi, R.; Akbey, Ü.; Demir, M. M.: Surfactant-assisted formation of organophilic CeO2 nanoparticles. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 395 , pp. 10 - 17 (2012)
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