Publications of Paschalis Gkoupidenis

Journal Article (43)

Journal Article
Kapetanakis, E.; Gkoupidenis, P.; Saltas, V.; Douvas, A. M.; Dimitrakis, P.; Argitis, P.; Beltsios, K.; Kennou, S.; Pandis, C.; Kyritsis, A. et al.; Pissis, P.; Normand, P.: Direct Current Conductivity of Thin-Film Ionic Conductors from Analysis of Dielectric Spectroscopic Measurements in Time and Frequency Domains. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (38), pp. 21254 - 21262 (2016)
Journal Article
Gkoupidenis, P.; Schaefer, N.; Garlan, B.; Malliaras, G. G.: Neuromorphic Functions in PEDOT:PSS Organic Electrochemical Transistors. Advanced Materials 27 (44), pp. 7176 - 7180 (2015)
Journal Article
Gkoupidenis, P.; Schaefer, N.; Strakosas, X.; Fairfield, J. A.; Malliaras, G. G.: Synaptic plasticity functions in an organic electrochemical transistor. Applied Physics Letters 107 (26), 263302, p. 263302 (2015)

Book Chapter (1)

Book Chapter
Keene, S. T.; Gkoupidenis, P.; Van de Burgt, Y.: Neuromorphic computing systems based on flexible organic electronics. In: Organic flexible electronics, pp. 531 - 574 (Eds. Cosseddu, P.; Caironi, M.). Woodhead Publishing (2020)

Conference Paper (6)

Conference Paper
Gkoupidenis, P.: Organic neuromorphic electronics: functions and applications. Neural Interfaces and Artificial Senses (NIAS), Spain, September 22, 2021 - September 23, 2021. Proceedings of Neural Interfaces and Artificial Senses (NIAS), (2021)
Conference Paper
Krauhausen, I.; Gkoupidenis, P.; Melianas, A.; Keene, S. T.; Lieberth, K.; Ledanseur, H.; Sheelamanthula, R.; Koutsouras, D. A.; Torricelli, F.; McCulloch, I. et al.; Blom, P. W. M.; Salleo, A.; van de Burgt, Y.; Giovannitti, A.: Local sensorimotor control and learning in robotics with organic neuromorphic electronics. Neural Interfaces and Artificial Senses (NIAS), Spain, September 22, 2021 - September 23, 2021. Proceedings of the Neural Interfaces and Artificial Senses, (2021)
Conference Paper
Gkoupidenis, P.: Organic neuromorphic electronics: bio-inspired functions and applications. In: Proc. SPIE, Organic and Hybrid Sensors and Bioelectronics XIV, Vol. 11810, 118100R (Eds. Kymissis, I.; List-Kratochvil, E. J. W.; Shinar, R.). SPIE Organic Photonics + Electronics, San Diego, CA, United States, August 01, 2021 - August 05, 2021. (2021)
Conference Paper
Gkoupidenis, P.: Biological plausibility in organic neuromorphic devices: from global phenomena to synchronization functions. In: Proc. SPIE, Organic and Hybrid Sensors and Bioelectronics XII, Vol. 11096, 110960K (Eds. Kymissis, I.; List-Kratochvil, E. J. W.; Shinar, R.). SPIE Organic Photonics + Electronics, San Diego, CA, United States, August 11, 2019 - August 15, 2018. (2019)
Conference Paper
Gkoupidenis, P.; Koutsouras, D. A.; Malliaras, G. G.: Neuromorphic devices based on organic mixed conductors. In: Proc. SPIE, Organic and Hybrid Sensors and Bioelectronics XI, Vol. 10738, 107380B (Eds. Kymissis, I.; Shinar, R.; Torsi, L.; List-Kratochvil, E. J. W.). SPIE ORGANIC PHOTONICS + ELECTRONICS, San Diego, CA, United States, August 19, 2018 - August 23, 2018. (2018)
Conference Paper
Gkoupidenis, P.; Koutsouras, D.; Lonjaret, T.; Rezaei-Mazinani, S.; Ismailova, E.; Fairfield, J. A.; Malliaras, G.: Organic neuromorphic devices based on electrochemical concepts. In: Proc. SPIE, Hybrid Memory Devices and Printed Circuits, Vol. 10366, 1036602 (Ed. List-Kratochvil, E. J. W.). SPIE Organic Photonics + Electronics, San Diego, CA, United States, August 06, 2017 - August 10, 2017. (2017)

Review Article (3)

Review Article
Tzouvadaki, I.; Gkoupidenis, P.; Vassanelli, S.; Wang, S.; Prodromakis, T.: Interfacing Biology and Electronics with Memristive Materials. Advanced Materials 35 (32), 2210035 (2023)
Review Article
Lieberth, K.; Romele, P.; Torricelli, F.; Koutsouras, D. A.; Brückner, M.; Mailänder, V.; Gkoupidenis, P.; Blom, P. W. M.: Current-Driven Organic Electrochemical Transistors for Monitoring Cell Layer Integrity with Enhanced Sensitivity. Advanced Healthcare Materials 10 (19), 2100845 (2021)
Review Article
Wang, C.; Li, Y.; Wang, Y.; Xu, X.; Fu, M.; Liu, Y.; Lin, Z.-Q.; Ling, H.; Gkoupidenis, P.; Yi, M.-D. et al.; Xie, L.; Yan, F.; Huang, We, W.: Thin-Film Transistors for Emerging Neuromorphic Electronics: Fundamentals, Materials, and Pattern Recognition. Journal of Materials Chemistry C (accepted)
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