Publications of P. Schlichting

Journal Article (14)

Journal Article
Schlichting, P.; Duchscherer, B.; Seisenberger, G.; Basché, T.; Bräuchle, C.; Müllen, K.: A Bichromophore Based on Perylene and Terrylene for Energy Transfer Studies at the Single-Molecules Level. Chemistry- A European Journal 5, pp. 2388 - 2395 (1999)
Journal Article
van de Craats, A. M.; Warman, J. M.; Schlichting, P.; Rohr, U.; Geerts, Y.; Müllen, K.: Charge Transport in Mesomorphic Derivatives of Perylene. Synthetic Metals 102, pp. 1550 - 1551 (1999)
Journal Article
List, E. J. W.; Graupner, W.; Wohlgenannt, M.; Leising, G.; Partee, J.; Shinar, J.; Schlichting, P.; Rohr, U.; Geerts, Y.; Scherf, U. et al.; Müllen, K.: Dynamics of photoexcitations in highly fluorescent organic guest-host-systems. Optical Materials 9 (1-4), pp. 494 - 497 (1998)
Journal Article
List, E. J. W.; Tasch, S.; Hochfilzer, C.; Leising, G.; Schlichting, P.; Rohr, U.; Geerts, Y.; Scherf, U.; Müllen, K.: Efficient color tuning (blue, red-orange, white) of light emitting diodes by excitation energy transfer. Optical Materials 9 (1-4), pp. 183 - 187 (1998)
Journal Article
Rohr, U.; Schlichting, P.; Böhm, A.; Gross, M.; Meerholz, K.; Bräuchle, C.; Müllen, K.: Liquid crystalline coronene derivatives with extraordinary fluorescence properties. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 37, pp. 1434 - 1437 (1998)
Journal Article
Rohr, U.; Schlichting, P.; Böhm, A.; Groß, M.; Meerholz, K.; Bräuchle, C.; Müllen, K.: Flüssigkristalline Coronenderivate mit außergewöhnlichen Fluoreszenzeigenschaften. Angewandte Chemie 110, pp. 1463 - 1467 (1998)
Journal Article
Schlichting, P.; Rohr, U.; Müllen, K.: Easy Synthesis of Liquid Crystalline Perylene Derivatives. Journal of Materials Chemistry 8, pp. 2651 - 2655 (1998)
Journal Article
Wohlgenannt, M.; Graupner, W.; Wenzl, F. P.; Tasch, S.; List, E. J. W.; Leising, G.; Graupner, M.; Hermetter, A.; Rohr, U.; Schlichting, P. et al.; Geerts, Y.; Scherf, U.; Müllen, K.: Photophysics of excitation energy transfer in highly fluorescent polymers. Chemical Physics 227 (1-2), pp. 99 - 109 (1998)
Journal Article
Leising, G.; Tasch, S.; Brandstatter, C.; Graupner, W.; Hampel, S.; List, E. J. W.; Meghdadi, F.; Zenz, C.; Schlichting, P.; Rohr, U. et al.; Geerts, Y.; Scherf, U.; Müllen, K.: Efficient full-colour electroluminescence and stimulated emission with polyphenylenes. Synthetic Metals 91 (1-3), pp. 41 - 47 (1997)
Journal Article
Schlichting, P.; Rohr, U.; Müllen, K.: New synthetic routes to alkyl-substituted and functionalized perylenes. Liebigs Annalen-Recueil (2), pp. 395 - 407 (1997)
Journal Article
Tasch, S.; List, E. J. W.; Ekström, O.; Graupner, W.; Leising, G.; Schlichting, P.; Rohr, U.; Geerts, Y.; Scherf, U.; Müllen, K.: Efficient white light-emitting diodes realized with new processable blends of conjugated polymers. Applied Physics Letters 71 (20), pp. 2883 - 2885 (1997)
Journal Article
Tasch, S.; List, E. J. W.; Hochfilzer, C.; Leising, G.; Schlichting, P.; Rohr, U.; Geerts, Y.; Scherf, U.; Müllen, K.: Efficient red- and orange-light-emitting diodes realized by excitation energy transfer from blue-light-emitting conjugated polymers. Physical Review B 56 (8), pp. 4479 - 4483 (1997)
Journal Article
Biasutti, M. A.; DeFeyter, S.; DeBacker, S.; Dutt, G. B.; DeSchryver, F. C.; Ameloot, M.; Schlichting, P.; Müllen, K.: Steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy of 2,9-di-n-pentyl-5,6,11,12-tetraazo-5,6,11,12-tetrahydrocoronene-5,6,11,1 2-tetracarboxy-bis-n-heptadecylimide. Chemical Physics Letters 248 (1-2), pp. 13 - 19 (1996)
Journal Article
Quante, H.; Schlichting, P.; Rohr, U.; Geerts, Y.; Müllen, K.: Novel perylene-containing polymers. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 197 (12), pp. 4029 - 4044 (1996)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Schlichting, P.: Synthese neuer Perylenchromophore und Polymere auf Perylenbasis. Dissertation, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (1998)
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