Publications of Saman Hosseinpour
All genres
Journal Article (11)
Journal Article
63 (8), e202312123 (2024)
Ultrafast Surface‐Specific Spectroscopy of Water at a Photoexcited TiO2 Model Water‐Splitting Photocatalyst. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2.
Journal Article
136 (8), e202312123 (2024)
Ultraschnelle oberflächenspezifische Spektroskopie von Wasser an einem photoangeregten TiO2-Modell-Photokatalysator zur Wasserspaltung. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 3.
Journal Article
12 (31), pp. 7605 - 7611 (2021)
Water Orientation at the Calcite-Water Interface. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 4.
Journal Article
120 (7), pp. 3420 - 3465 (2020)
Structure and Dynamics of Interfacial Peptides and Proteins from Vibrational Sum-Frequency Generation Spectroscopy. Chemical Reviews 5.
Journal Article
21 (17), pp. 8956 - 8964 (2019)
How water flips at charged titanium dioxide: An SFG-study on the water-TiO 2 interface. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 6.
Journal Article
532, pp. 2 - 7 (2017)
Suppressing non-controlled leakage of hydrophilic payloads from redox-responsive nanocapsules. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 7.
Journal Article
10 (4), 413 (2017)
Vibrational Spectroscopy in Studies of Atmospheric Corrosion. Materials 8.
Journal Article
8 (10), pp. 2195 - 2199 (2017)
Chemisorbed and Physisorbed Water at the TiO2/Water Interface. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 9.
Journal Article
163 (14), pp. C937 - C944 (2016)
The Influence of Thickness of Stearic Acid Self-Assembled Film on Its Protective Properties. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 10.
Journal Article
648, pp. 170 - 176 (2016)
Atmospheric corrosion of Cu, Zn, and Cu-Zn alloys protected by self-assembled monolayers of alkanethiols. Surface Science 11.
Journal Article
71 (7), pp. 908 - 917 (2015)
Corrosion Inhibition of Two Brass Alloys by Octadecanethiol in Humidified Air with Formic Acid. Corrosion