Publications of Marvin Manz

Journal Article (1)

Journal Article
Dou, D.; Zhou, X.; Wang, T.; Yang, Q.; Tan, X.; Ling, Z.; Manz, M.; Liu, X.; Wetzelaer, G.-J. A. H.; Li, X. et al.; Baumgarten, M.; Blom, P. W. M.; Li, Y.: Intramolecular Through‐Space Charge‐Transfer Effect for Achieving Room‐Temperature Phosphorescence in Amorphous Film. Advanced Optical Materials 12 (34), 2400976 (2024)

Thesis - Master (1)

Thesis - Master
Manz, M.: Thermally activated delayed fluorescence emitters based on a DioxaBoranaphthaAnthracene (DBA) acceptor unit. Master, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz (2023)
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