Publications | Dept. Gräter

Journal Article (11)

Journal Article
Herrera-Rodriguez, A.; Dasanna, A. K.; Daday, C.; Cruz-Chú, E. R.; Aponte-Santamaría, C.; Schwarz, U. S.; Gräter, F.: The role of flow in the self-assembly of dragline spider silk proteins. Biophysical Journal 121 (21), pp. 4241 - 4253 (2023)
Journal Article
de Buhr, S.; Gräter, F.: Myristoyl's dual role in allosterically regulating and localizing Abl kinase. eLife 12, e85216 (2023)
Journal Article
Kutzki, F.; Butera, D.; Lay, A. J.; Maag, D.; Chiu, J.; Woon, H.-G.; Kubař, T.; Elstner, M.; Aponte-Santamaría, C.; Hogg, P. J. et al.; Gräter, F.: Disulfide bond reduction and exchange in C4 domain of von Willebrand factor undermines platelet binding. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 21 (8), pp. 2089 - 2100 (2023)
Journal Article
Kurth, M.; Barayeu, U.; Gharibi, H.; Kuzhelev, A.; Riedmiller, K.; Zilke, J.; Noack, K.; Denysenkov, V.; Kappl, R.; Prisner, T. F. et al.; Zubarev, R. A.; Dick, T. P.; Gräter, F.: DOPA Residues Endow Collagen with Radical Scavenging Capacity. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 62 (24), e202216610 (2023)
Journal Article
Rennekamp, B.; Karfusehr, C.; Kurth, M.; Ünal, A.; Riedmiller, K.; Gryn'ova, G.; Hudson, D. M.; Gräter, F.: Collagen breaks at weak sacrificial bonds taming its mechanoradicals. Nature Communications 14, 2075 (2023)
Journal Article
Ehret, T.; Heißenberg, T.; de Buhr, S.; Aponte-Santamaría, C.; Steinem, C.; Gräter, F.: FERM domains recruit ample PI(4,5)P2s to form extensive protein-membrane attachments. Biophysical Journal 122 (7), pp. 1325 - 1333 (2023)
Journal Article
Barayeu, U.; Schilling, D.; Eid, M.; Silva, T. N. X. d.; Schlicker, L.; Mitreska, N.; Zapp, C.; Gräter, F.; Miller, A. K.; Kappl, R. et al.; Schulze, A.; Angeli, J. P. F.; Dick, T. P.: Hydropersulfides inhibit lipid peroxidation and ferroptosis by scavenging radicals. Nature Chemical Biology (2023)
Journal Article
Buhr, J.; Franz, F.; Gräter, F.: Intrinsically disordered region of talin’s FERM domain functions as an initial PIP2 recognition site. Biophysical Journal 122 (7), pp. 1277 - 1286 (2023)
Journal Article
Dupuy, A.; Santamaría, C. A.; Yeheskel, A.; Hortle, E.; Oehlers, S. H.; Gräter, F.; Hogg, P. J.; Passam, F. H.; Chiu, J.: Mechano-Redox Control of Mac-1 De-Adhesion by PDI Promotes Directional Movement Under Flow. Circulation Research 132 (9), pp. e151 - e168 (2023)
Journal Article
Franz, F.; Tapia-Rojo, R.; Winograd-Katz, S.; Boujemaa-Paterski, R.; Li, W.; Unger, T.; Albeck, S.; Aponte-Santamaría, C.; Garcia-Manyes, S.; Medalia, O. et al.; Geiger, B.; Gräter, F.: Allosteric activation of vinculin by talin. Nature Communications 14, 4311 (2023)
Journal Article
Roessner, R.; Michelarakis, N.; Gräter, F.; Aponte-Santamaría, C.: Mechanical forces control the valency of the malaria adhesin VAR2CSA by exposing cryptic glycan binding sites. PLOS Computational Biology 19 (12), e1011726 (2023)
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