Prof. Dr. Paul Blom
Short CV
Paul Blom received his Ir. Degree (Physics) in 1988 and his Ph. D. Degree in 1992, respectively, from the Technical University Eindhoven, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. His thesis work was on picosecond charge carrier dynamics in GaAs quantum wells. At Philips Research Laboratories he was engaged in the electrical characterization of various oxidic thin-film devices, the electro-optical properties of polymer light-emitting diodes and the field of rewritable optical storage based on phase-change and magneto-optical recording using blue laser diodes. In May 2000 he was appointed as a Professor at the University of Groningen, where he was heading a group in the field of organic semiconducting devices. In September 2008 he was appointed as the Scientific Director of the Holst Centre in Eindhoven where the focus is on the realization of electronic systems in foil. Since September 2012 he joined the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz as director in the field of molecular electronics. The main research directions are on electrical and optical properties of organic semiconductors and hybrids, their relation to morphology, properties of multifunctional blends and bio-electronics. He co-authored over 433 papers in these research fields (h-index 99). He was co-recipient of the EU Descartes Prize 2003 for the development of polymer light-emitting diodes and received in 2015 the Holst Medal, awarded once every 4 years by the Dutch Royal Academy of Science, for his contribution to organic electronics.