Prof. Dr. Hans-Wolfgang Spiess
Main Research Interests
Hans Wolfgang Spiess’ research interests focused on the development of magnetic resonance techniques for elucidating structure, dynamics, phase behavior and order in synthetic macromolecules and supramolecular systems.
He applies these methods to study new polymer materials in order to relate their microscopic and macroscopic behavior. In the course of his career he also took part in the development of Fourier Rheology to unravel non-linear flow in polymers, as well as computer simulation of supramolecular structures.
Moreover, he worked on NMR imaging of the lung and NMR signal enhancement by laser polarization, dynamic nuclear polarization and parahydrogen induced polarization.
Short CV

Hans Wolfgang Spiess received his PhD at the University of Frankfurt, Germany in 1968. He subsequently carried positions as Research Associate at Florida State University, 1968–1970; the Max Planck Institute, Heidelberg 1970–1975 and the University of Mainz, 1975–1978. He was Professor at the University of Mainz, 1978–1980, University of Münster, 1981–1982, University of Bayreuth, 1983–1984 before he became Director at the newly founded MPIP-P, Mainz in 1984, a position he held until his retirement in the fall of 2012.